The Flooding in the Valencia Region. What Does This Mean for Birding & Nature Tourism in the Short Term?

Birding in Alicante

Before I go any further, I would like to begin this article with a message of thanks to the many people who have contacted us over the past week or two, asking if we’re safe and well following the devastating flooding that has recently hit the Valencia Region.  I feel extremely fortunate to be able to report that we’re absolutely fine and that our home has not been affected.  Sincere thanks to you all for your kind thoughts. Secondly, although the purpose of this article is to provide practical information with regard to bird watching in the area following the flooding, that is not to take away from the incredibly severe and horrific impact that so many people and families have suffered, and continue to face.  Apart from practical help that we can offer, our thoughts and respect are with them constantly.  The response from regional and national government has been the focus of much criticism, some of it deserved, but the mobilisation of volunteers, especially amongst young people, has been something that restores one’s faith in human nature. Huge numbers of volunteers from all over Spain have sprung into…

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As summer draws to a close, we look forward to a new season of birding trips.

The summer is drawing to a gradual close, and the Ospreys of the reintroduction project in this region (of which Valencia Birding is a collaborator) are beginning to migrate south. As the intense heat of summer is reducing and the autumn migration begins to get underway, our guided birding trips recommence. Mid September has been a busy time, with a number of trips to the wetlands of both Alicante and Valencia. Red Knobbed Coot Recent trips to Alicante gave us the opportunity to enjoy views of aquatic species such as White Headed Duck, Marbled Teal, Red Knobbed Coot and recently arrived Northern Shoveler. Some summer visitors were still present, notably Roller and Little Bittern, whilst birds that were seen passing through, heading south, included Bee Eater and mixed flocks of Red Rumped Swallow, Sand Martin, Barn Swallow and House Martins. Clients from the UK enjoying a day in the wetlands of Alicante A recent trip to Albufera de Valencia, for one of our most loyal clients, John from the UK, coincided with the beginning of the rice harvest. Recently harvested fields held huge numbers of Glossy Ibis, Great, Little and…

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Birding at the Wetlands of Alicante

Birding in Alicante

I recently spent a very special day with two great clients from Scotland. Brian and Maria were staying close to Alicante on a short break, and wanted to include a day’s birding. The day was especially important as it was Brian’s birthday and he’d asked if it would be possible to see three specific species. He’s a very experienced and well travelled birder, and was eager to see White Headed Duck, Red Knobbed Coot and Greater Spotted Eagle. One of Alicante’s many coastal wetland sites. We spent the day at one of Alicante’s many wetland sites, which always provide excellent birding, and began with a walk around one of the reserves. The sightings began however before we even got out of the car, with an Iberian Green Woodpecker that flew in front of us into a stand of trees. Iberian Grey Shrike. As we strolled between reed beds and lagoons, the surrounding scrub held Black Redstart, Sardinian Warbler, Chiffchaff and Stonechat. Crag Martins were feeding on the wing, and a couple of Barn Swallows flew by, my first of the year. A nearby bare tree provided a perch for an…

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Two more January days in the wetlands of Valencia

Birding in Alicante

I’ve spent the past two days out in the field with clients, both at the wetland site of Albufera de Valencia. I was honoured to spend these days with two lovely couples, from Sweden and the UK respectively. Flooded rice fields and big, blue skies provide typical Albufera winter scenes Greater Flamingos At this time of year, the majority of the rice fields are flooded, and many of them contain huge gatherings of Glossy Ibis, Cattle Egrets, Little Egrets, Lapwings and mixed flocks of gulls, namely Lesser Black Backed, Black Headed and Yellow Legged. Perhaps the most striking of these spectacles however, are the Flamingos which gather in their thousands! Marsh Harrier We also enjoyed great views of some of the area’s wintering species, including Water Pipit, Meadow Pipit, Bluethroat, Crag Martin and Marsh Harrier. The latter is present in small numbers throughout the breeding season too, but the population rockets in winter, when central and northern European birds move south to spend the cooler months here. Slender Billed Gull A stroll along the beach gave us views of Crested Lark, Stonechat, Sardinian Warbler and Black Redstart in the scrub…

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2-Day Birding Trip : Wetlands & Mountains

birding in Valencia

8-9/5/2023 At the beginning of this week, I had the pleasure of spending two days with a fabulous couple from the UK. They were travelling around the region, and as keen birders and environmentalists, were eager to discover the region´s bird life. To provide two very different days, we spent day 1 at the wetlands and day 2 in the mountainous interior of the area. Day 1 – Wetlands Our first day began with blue skies and very little wind – perfect for our intended walk. Highlights of the morning included Purple Heron, Night Heron, Great Egret, Great Reed Warbler and eventually good views of Zitting Cisticola! Zitting Cisticola We spent some time in a hide from where we had great views of Mediterranean Gull, Little Bittern and Collared Pratincole. Collared Pratincole After a further walk into the reed beds, we watched across a small lagoon which held Purple Swamphen, Curlew Sandpiper, Ruff, Little Ringed Plover and a Greater Flamingo with young. Greater Flamingo We had lunch in another hide, enjoying our sandwiches whilst watching Squacco Heron, Marsh Harrier, Spoonbill, Common Tern and Whiskered Tern. Common Tern The return leg…

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A day at the coastal wetlands of Valencia

Birding in Valencia

22/4/23 Today I had the pleasure of meeting Michael and Paula from the UK, who were spending some time in Valencia and had previously booked a day with me. As they were happy to include a walk in the trip, we decided to spend the day at one of Valencia´s coastal wetlands. Once parked by the reserve, we began our walk and the day got off to a great start with almost immediate views of Little Bittern, Night Heron and Greater Flamingo. We headed along the coast, looking across a series of lagoons and reed beds that held White Headed Duck, Black Winged Stilt, Zitting Cisticola and Purple Heron. Night Heron Our first observatory gave us the opportunity to enjoy views of Moustached Warbler, Collared Pratincole, Squacco Heron and Audouin’s Gull. We walked further along the coast to a hide from where we saw Common Tern, Sandwich Tern, Great Reed Warbler, Avocet and Ringed Plover. Collared Pratincole After enjoying our picnic lunch, we strolled through an area of scrub and pasture towards another lagoon. This held Purple Swamphen, Wood Sandpiper, Spotted Redshank and a Garganey. We caught sight of a…

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