Valencia Birding

Valencia Birding

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Bespoke Guided Bird Watching Trips & Holidays from Valencia & Alicante (Eastern Spain) for Individuals, Couples and Small Groups.

Established in 2011, we´re based in the autonomous region of La Comunidad Valenciana, Spain, one of Europe´s top birding destinations.  We design and provide tailor-made guided bird watching day-trips, breaks and holidays for individuals, couples and small groups. Based in both the historical town of Xativa and the coastal town of Dénia, this allows us to cover both the Valencia and Alicante regions. This flexibility offers the possibility to visit an incredibly diverse range of habitats and excellent birding sites, many of which are virtually unknown!

We cater for all levels of bird enthusiasts from complete beginner to expert, and provide trips for individuals, couples, families and small groups. Our local knowledge ensures that our clients can maximise their time in Spain by depending on us to take them to the best sites whilst providing top levels of care and attention.

Thanks to the support of our clients, and the kind reviews that have been posted on Trip Advisor, we are proud holders of the Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence.  You can read our clients´reviews here.

Our objective is simple…to provide a value-for-money service that is exactly tailored to the wishes, requirements and priorities of our clients, focussing firmly on delivering the best levels of service. Our approach is what makes us different…

Our business model is unlike that of most professional bird watching companies.  We provide our services on an extremely flexible basis, working closely with our clients to design their ideal trip or holiday.  We have a range of single-day trips, but frequently work with our clients to design bespoke breaks and holidays, ranging from 2-day to 8-day packages. We never mix groups – all our trips and holidays are exclusively for the individual, couple or group that make the reservation, and we never add others to the trip.

Blue Rock Thrush

Our pricing structure is competitive, great value and fair…Here at Valencia Birding, we wish to make our guided bird watching trips available to all. Therefore, our pricing structure is thoughtfully and carefully designed to assure maximum value across all group sizes. We clearly understand that some clients will be traveling alone, whilst others will be part of a group.  Therefore we have endeavoured to structure our pricing to provide superb value for smaller groups, couples or even individuals whilst still offering fair and competitive rates for larger groups.  Contact us to discuss options and we´d be very happy to quote specific rates (without obligation).

A professional bird watching guide, David Warrington was born in Sheffield, England and began his fascination with birds as a child in the Peak District National Park.  He moved to Spain in 2006 and was amazed by the natural diversity of the Valencia region, a huge influence in his decision to establish Valencia Birding in 2011. 

David is also a founding member of the Association of Birding Guides of the Valencian Community, and regularly works as a consultant to promote sustainable nature tourism.

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Birding News

As summer draws to a close, we look forward to a new season of birding trips.

As summer draws to a close, we look forward to a new season of birding trips.

The summer is drawing to a gradual close, and the Ospreys of the reintroduction project in this region (of which Valencia Birding is a collaborator) are beginning to migrate south. As the intense heat of summer is reducing and the autumn migration begins to get underway, our guided birding trips recommence. Mid September has been a busy time, with a number of trips to the wetlands of both Alicante and Valencia. Red Knobbed Coot Recent trips to Alicante gave us the opportunity to enjoy views of aquatic species such as White Headed Duck, Marbled Teal, Red Knobbed Coot and recently arrived Northern Shoveler. Some summer visitors were still present, notably Roller and Little Bittern, whilst birds that were seen passing through, heading south, included Bee Eater and mixed flocks of Red Rumped Swallow, Sand Martin, Barn Swallow and House Martins. Clients from the UK enjoying a day in the wetlands of Alicante A recent trip to Albufera de Valencia, for one of our most loyal clients, John from the UK, coincided with the beginning of the rice harvest. Recently harvested fields held huge numbers of Glossy Ibis, Great, Little and…

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Birding in Valencia

Watching Albufera Grow During the Spring

Throughout the months of April and May of this year, I’ve spent a lot of time in the wetlands and rice fields of Albufera de Valencia, principally trips with clients from the UK, USA and Ireland. It’s been fascinating to see the changes that take place during the spring, especially in terms of habitat and environment. In April, the rice fields were dry, so held very few birds, so we focussed more on the wetland reserve areas. During May, the rice farmers began to flood their fields and sow the rice, instantly attracting large gatherings of Glossy Ibis, Greater Flamingo, Little , Great and Cattle Egrets. Glossy Ibis In terms of bird movement, our trips in April still gave us sightings of a few later passage migrants, including Oystercatcher, Little Stint, Grey Plover and Curlew Sandpiper. However, as the month progressed, colonies of breeding birds began to form, the largest of which included Sandwich Tern, Common Tern, Gull Billed Tern, Mediterranean Gull, Black Headed Gull and Audouin’s Gull, the latter choosing as usual to nest away from other gull and tern species. Sandwich Terns, Common Terns and Slender Billed Gulls…

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Birding in Alicante

An Active Spring in Alicante!

The past couple of months have been so busy that I’ve hardly had time to post any trip reports! This is by no means a complaint and I’m extremely grateful to everyone for making this spring such an intense time. We’ve had some fabulous trips, seen some great birds, and I’ve been fortunate enough to spend time with such lovely people. Here are a few shots taken during three recent visits to the wetlands of Alicante. This area has to rate amongst the best birding sites in Spain, not only for the birds that thrive here, but for the conservation projects that continue to protect key species such as Marbled Teal, White Headed Duck and Red Knobbed Coot. White Headed Duck Marbled Teal Red Knobbed Coot I’ve had some fabulous trips to Alicante this spring, all with returning clients who I count as friends. Firstly with John, an English birder who lives here in Spain, with Cheryl and Diane from the USA, and with Sally and Pete, a couple from the UK who have a second home in the region. Whiskered Tern On each trip, we were blessed with great…

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Birding in Valencia

A Special Day at One of Valencia’s Coastal Wetlands

April 2024 Some days, everything just seems to come together – nice weather, lovely people, newly arrived summer visitors and some interesting passage migrants. I was fortunate enough to enjoy one such day a couple of weeks ago with Roy from England. A keen birder, he was visiting Valencia and had previously contacted me to arrange a day’s birding. Roy, photographing Glossy Ibis on a shallow lagoon We met at a convenient spot and then headed to the coastal wetlands. This is usually a fabulous location in spring, but today’s visit seemed to turn up something special at almost every stage of the day. The first lagoon gave us views of Purple Swamphen, Red Crested Pochard, Great Reed Warbler and Whiskered Tern. A little patience and scanning was rewarded with sightings of White Headed Duck, Little Bittern and Purple Heron. Spot the Whimbrel! As we strolled along the pebble beach, a Whimbrel flew into view, then landed way off in front of us, blending in extremely well with its surroundings! A few Audouin’s Gulls glided along the beach too, but our next objective was to get some quality views of…

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Another great day at Albufera.

Another great day at Albufera.

April 2024 I’m delighted to say that April was a very busy month, packed with some great birding trips. One such day was spent at Albufera with Dominic and Elaine from the UK. They were on a rail trip through France and Spain, and had included a day’s birding with me in their plans. Albufera is a wetland of international importance for many reasons, not least of which is its geographical location on a migration flyway, so early spring is always an exciting time here. Greater Flamingo Elaine was keen to see Greater Flamingo, so we began at a reserve where it’s possible to get great views of them from a hide, without running the risk of disturbing them. We did just that, seeing them together with Black Winged Stilt, Avocet and Shelduck. We also spent some time scanning through a colony of Mediterranean Gull, Common Tern and Sandwich Tern, picking out a few Whiskered Terns and Slender Billed Gulls in amongst them. From the same hide we also enjoyed watching Redshank and Green Sandpiper. Little Stint As we strolled back to the car, a White Stork passed overhead. After…

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