Last week, Dave and I enjoyed a fantastic day with a couple of returning clients from UK. They had a trip with us in the Spring, when we enjoyed a day in the mountains of Valencia. This time, they were keen to have a day of guided birding on the steppe of Spain.
It was a pleasure to see Jan & Ossie again, and to catch up on our respective conservation projects, particularly with owls. After a chat over morning coffee, we made the relatively short journey into the rolling plains of Castilla de la Mancha.
One of our main target species was the Great Bustard, which would be a lifer for them both. We stopped in a favourite location where we often get views of these magnificent creatures, and patiently scanned the surrounding fields. After some 15 minutes, we were rewarded with some fantastic views of a group of male Great Bustards, strolling through the fields and feeding under a stand of trees. As we enjoyed the autumn sunshine, a Red Kite suddenly came into view, and circled overhead, giving some wonderful views.

Great Bustards
Crested Larks and Skylarks flitted around us, whilst we enjoyed views of Greater Flamingo in a nearby area of flooded fields. Then a male Lesser Kestrel passed by, coming to pause briefly on a pylon.
Our second stopping point was by a lagoon, where we had great views of (probably the same) Red Kite, this time flying much lower. We also saw Lapwing, Red-legged Partridge and Snipe.

Red Kite
We then made the short journey to another lagoon where we were pleased to see Little Grebe, Wood Sandpiper and Shoveler.
Our next point was beside a lake which is a great spot to enjoy lunch as the surrounding trees provide some shade. We were delighted to enjoy views of two other target species of the day – the White Headed Duck and Black-necked Grebe. A Marsh Harrier made an appearance, flying low over the reed beds. The lake also held Pochard, Gadwall, Shoveler and Little Grebe.

Typical steppe scenery
After a leisurely picnic, we then dedicated the afternoon to exploring the area´s high steppe, stopping at various points to scan this vast wide open area. Luck was with us today, and we enjoyed views of some fabulous species such as Honey Buzzard, Calandra Lark, Little Owl, Wheatear and Whinchat.

Content with our species list, and having had a great day exploring some super habitats, we brought the day to a close with a drink in one of the regions remote farming villages.

Crested Lark
It had been a delight to welcome back Jan and Ossie, and to be able to enjoy their company in such great surroundings, and with so many wonderful species.
The list for the day included…
Little Owl, Common Kestrel, Lesser Kestrel, Marsh Harrier, Honey Buzzard, Common Buzzard, Red Kite, Great Bustard, Red-legged Partridge, Flamingo, Lapwing, Wood Sandpiper, Common Snipe, Little Grebe, Black-necked Grebe, Coot, White headed Duck, Mallard, Common Pochard, Shoveler, Gadwall, Yellow-legged Gull, Crow, Magpie, Collared Dove, Starling, Spotless Starling, Crested Lark, Calandra Lark, Skylark, Wheatear, House Sparrow, Whinchat, White Wagtail.