Last week, Yanina and I provided a 3 day birding holiday for returning clients and friends from the UK. Rab and Jan have been on numerous trips with us over the past years and this time they were accompanied by their friend Pete from my home town of Sheffield.
Our main objective was to provide as much diversity as possible in the three days that we had together. So on day 1, I collected them from their holiday home in Javia and we drove south to visit the salt pans of Alicante. Here we were focussing on gulls, and soon had the two key species – Audouin´s and Slender Billed as well as Yellow Legged.

Slender Billed Gull
After a morning coffee, we headed to one of the region´s premium wetland sites where we began by searching for Bluethroat. Eventually, our patience was rewarded and we enjoyed great views of this ever popular little bird. Having spent a little time watching Little Ringed Plover and Purple Swamphen, we then turned our attention to one of the region´s conservation success stories, the Red-knobbed Coot, and were treated to some excellent views.

Red Knobbed Coot
A visit to the hides gave views of Marsh Harriers, Water Pipit, Glossy Ibis and Red Crested Pochard. Our walk back through an area of scrub gave sightings of Dartford Warbler, Stonechat, Sardinian Warbler, Chiffchaff and Black Redstart. Crag Martins were feeding overhead.

Water Pipit
For the first night of the trip, the group were staying in Biar, a beautiful and historical village in the highland interior of Alicante. This is an area that we know well and spend a lot of time in, so, happy with our sightings so far, I suggested that we cut short our time at the wetlands and head up to Biar, a specific plan in mind…
We dropped the bags at the hotel, and had a break in the village square before driving up a mountain track that leads to a rocky cliff. After a short walk, we chose a spot to sit and waited for the sun to set. As we were waiting, a Blue Rock Thrush made a brief appearance and a Sparrowhawk passed overhead. As darkness fell, we heard the distant call of a Tawny Owl. Then maybe twenty minutes later, our wishes were fulfilled as an Eagle Owl flew across the valley! With stiff legs but smiles, we headed back down the mountain track. After just a few moments, the Eagle Owl flew back into our valley and perched on the crag that we´d been watching, then began calling with its deep booming hoot that carried way into the night. An extremely special ending to what had been a superb day.

Eagle Owl
On day 2 we left Biar and headed further inland to visit the steppe area of our region. Thankfully there was virtually no wind, which provided excellent birding conditions. After a comfortable journey we made a brief coffee stop and picked up sandwiches from a local farming village before heading out across the fields.
At our first stop, we saw Crested Lark, then upon scanning the fields we could see large flocks of Calandra Larks moving around. A Thekla Lark came briefly to rest close to us, giving great views.

Calandra Lark
We then moved on to visit some farm buildings where we enjoyed views of Rock Sparrow, Corn Bunting and Linnet. A Buzzard was perched on a nearby pylon. Then we headed cross-country along a series of rocky farm tracks, making frequent stops to scan around. Rab spotted something far off to our right, so we stopped and set up the scope. After a few moments we were looking at a pair of Black-bellied Sandgrouse.
Having all enjoyed good views, we moved on, in search of Great Bustards. Just over the other side of the hill, we stopped again where once more, Rab (clearly on top form today!) spotted our first group of the day.

Great Bustards
We headed back onto normal roads where we drove towards our lunch spot by a lagoon. Whilst driving, we spotted a large raptor off to our right, so quickly found a place to stop to take a closer look. Its size was immediately apparent, and a little more attention revealed it to be a Golden Eagle. Another fabulous sighting!

Typical steppe scenery
We then had lunch by the lagoon where we enjoyed views of Greater Flamingo, Marsh Harrier, Shelduck, Shoveler and Pochard before moving on to the higher steppe. We soon found our next group of Great Bustards, with subsequent sightings gaving us a total for the day in excess of 70 birds.

The next spot gave views of a flock of Lapwing feeding in a field. A slightly smaller bird caught our eye, so once again we set up the scope. It was another sighting of a pair of Black-bellied Sandgrouse, this time a little closer and in better light. The day just kept getting better!

Black Bellied Sandgrouse
Little Owl was another of the day´s target species, and after a little perseverance, we were treated to good views of one sitting atop a pile of rocks. More than happy with the day we turned and headed for home. The day still had another surprise, with the sudden appearance of a male Hen Harrier hunting along a hedgerow. The final stretch of farm track gave great views of Iberian Grey Shrike and yet more Great Bustards.

Iberian Grey Shrike
We then headed northeast to Valencia where the group were going to spend the next two nights. The next day Yanina was to take them to the wetland and rice growing site of Albufera.
Day 3 also dawned with good light conditions and very little wind, and after the short journey from Valencia city, the group were soon in Albufera. A brief stop by the side of the main lake gave views of Sandwich Terns.

Cormorants, Grey Heron and Sandwich Terns
They then visited a reserve area where from a hide they had good views of Black-tailed Godwit, Avocet, Black-winged Stilt, and Ruff. They moved to another viewing point that looks onto the lake, this time in search of wildfowl. Among other species they enjoyed views of Pintail before being treated to the spectacle of 54 Spoonbills as well as thousands of Flamingos in flight. This is a “classic” Albufera sighting and one that never fails to amaze.

Black-winged Stilt
The afternoon included a drive across the southern rice paddies where the group enjoyed another typical Albufera sight – thousands of Glossy Ibis feeding together in the fields. Although in a completely different habitat to yesterday, the day was drawn to a close with views of another Iberian Grey Shrike!

Glossy Ibis feeding in the flooded rice fields
Yanina returned the group to their hotel in Valencia where they were to enjoy their last night in the city before heading back to their holiday home.
These three days had indeed been very special, with fantastic weather, quality views of some amazing birds in beautiful surroundings and all enjoyed in great company. It was fantastic to see Rab, Jan and Pete again and we hope to be able to get together again soon.
The species list for the whole trip included…
Marsh Harrier, Hen Harrier, Sparrowhawk, Tawny Owl (h), Eagle Owl, Little Owl, Kestrel, Buzzard, Golden Eagle, Booted Eagle, Iberian Grey Shrike.
Mallard, Shoveler, Shelduck, Red Crested Pochard, Common Pochard, Gadwall, Pintail, Teal, Red Knobbed Coot, Coot, Moorhen, Purple Swamphen, Little Grebe, Black Necked Grebe.
Slender Billed Gull, Audouin’s Gull, Yellow Legged Gull, Black Headed Gull, Lesser Black Backed Gull, Sandwich Tern, Cormorant.
Lapwing, Greater Flamingo, Snipe, Black Tailed Godwit, Black Winged Stilt, Avocet, Greenshank, Redshank, Little Ringed Plover, Glossy Ibis, Grey Heron, Great Egret, Cattle Egret, Little Egret.
Great Tit, Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Reed Bunting, Corn Bunting, Goldfinch, Serin, Linnet, Rock Sparrow, House Sparrow, Tree Sparrow, Blackbird, Blue Rock Thrush, White Wagtail, Meadow Pipit, Water Pipit, Bluethroat, Robin, Black Redstart, Grey Wagtail, Common Starling, Spotless Starling, Stonechat, Calandra Lark
Crested Lark, Thekla Lark, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove, Kingfisher, Cetti´s Warbler, Dartford Warbler, Chiffchaff, Sardinian Warbler, Zitting Cisticola, Crag Martin, Magpie, Crow.
Black Bellied Sandgrouse, Great Bustard.