I was delighted when we received an email from Stephen and Pennie to say that they were returning to Valencia and wanted another day out with us. We´d previously enjoyed two trips to Albufera de Valencia, during which we´d discussed the bird life of the mountains, especially during Spring. Stephen is a well travelled bird photographer whilst Pennie enjoys bird watching very much, so we arranged a day of birding and photography in the mountains of Valencia.
After a pleasant journey from the city into the highland interior of the region, we stopped briefly for a coffee in a village bar. As we were walking back to the car, Pennie spotted a raptor soaring above us. We grabbed the binoculars and camera and were soon enjoying views of a Booted Eagle…a good start to the day!

Booted Eagle
Our first stop was to look around some ruined farm buildings. This is a good place to see Black Wheatear, Serin, and Blue Rock Thrush. Today we saw all three species, and Stephen was able to get some shots too. A short stroll by the river was very pleasant, with Griffon Vultures gliding overhead and fish swimming in the crystal clear waters.

Blue Rock Thrush
We had to press on as the forecast was for showers after around 2.30pm so we headed for the main point of the day, a huge mountain wall that provides habitat for nesting vultures and raptors. At first, we scanned the cliffs, watching Griffon Vultures both in flight and on their nests. We also had views of Chough, Raven and on numerous occasions a Peregrine Falcon quickly came into view, scattering the resident Wood Pigeons.

Griffon Vulture – photo kindly provided by Stephen Baird Parker.
After a short while, one of the highlight species appeared – Egyptian Vulture. We watched as they flew across the face and eventually returned to a cave high up the wall. Although from a distance, Stephen managed to get some nice photos of both Griffon and Egyptian Vultures.

Egyptian Vulture – photo kindly provided by Stephen Baird Parker.
The rain showers began right on time at 2.30pm so we descended back to valley level and returned to the café bar to take a break and to look through the photos taken so far. Pennie was keen to see a Hoopoe so rather than driving back to Valencia on the main road, we decided to go via a couple of country lanes that took us through olive and almond groves. After a little searching, we were rewarded with superb views of Hoopoe right next to the car, even if it was a little soggy!

Hoopoe – Photokindly provided by Stephen Baird Parker
We´d had a great day out together, and it had been lovely to see Stephen and Pennie again. I do hope to see them again soon. During the following days, Stephen took some excellent shots of Valencia city centre´s Kestrels. Cities too are always worth searching for bird life!
Species seen during the day included…
Booted Eagle, Black Wheatear, Blue Rock Thrush, Goldfinch, Collared Dove, Serin, Griffon Vulture, Egyptian Vulture, Chough, Raven, Crested Lark, Peregrine Falcon, Hoopoe, Spotless Starling, House Sparrow, Blackbird, Wood Pigeon, Swift, House Martin, Barn Swallow, Crag Martin.
Written by David Warrington.
Bird Watching Guide at Valencia Birding.