Following the summer holiday period, Autumn is always a time of reflection, thinking back over the year so far whilst at the same time looking ahead at what remains, particularly with migration in mind. We still have a few late summer visitors here, but in general the autumn migration is well underway. This week has seen huge mixed flocks of Swifts, Martins and Swallows passing through the region but what has been more noticeable has been the sheer numbers of Bee Eaters on the move this week and last. Waders are currently the big draw though, especially at our numerous coastal wetland sites. Recent sightings have included Terek Sandpiper.
Looking back at the Spring of this year, we are delighted to say that Valencia Birding enjoyed its best ever period (in terms of number of clients) since we began back in 2011. In challenging times such as these, it´s fabulous to see such positive trends and we´re exceptionally grateful to all whose support has helped us to make this possible. The “star” species are too numerous to comprehensively list here but they have to include the returning Elegant Terns, the once more successful breeding Marbled Teal and White Headed Duck, Olivaceous Warbler, Spanish Sparrow, Ortolan Bunting, Moustached Warbler, Black Wheatear, Lesser Kestrel and Dupont´s Lark.
British Bird Fair 2019.
We were both proud to attend the British Bird Fair at Rutland Water once more this year and despite the somewhat muddy conditions, the event organisers did a great job in keeping the fair open and we had a very busy weekend. It was fabulous to see many returning clients and friends there and to catch up with so many lovely people. We also spoke to many people for the first time and are happy to report that we´re already taking bookings as a result. Single day trips are always in demand, but the most popular kind of trip this year seems to be our range of tailor-made multi-day birding breaks. In particular, the twin-centre option is proving to be very attractive.
Essentially, this includes a few days in the rural south of the region, staying in a small hotel in one of the traditional villages which provides true Valencian authenticity and a great base from which to explore many top birding sites including steppe, salt marshes and forest. We then move to the beautiful city of Valencia where the historical quarter is usually the spot where clients opt to stay. From there, we have a number of excellent birding sites within very easy reach including coastal wetlands, mountains and the rice growing area of Albufera de Valencia. Many people opt to include a few free days during which they enjoy the cultural and gastronomic delights that Valencia offers. All such trips are available for individuals, couples and small groups. Please feel free to contact us for further details and options – all without obligation.

Typical steppe scenery
Autumn / Winter 2019.
Having enjoyed the summer break, we´re both now recharged and ready to commence what is already looking like a busy autumn and winter.
Looking ahead, there´s a good mix of single day trips, multi-day birding breaks and bird hide photography sessions to look forward to.
The next couple of weeks alone will see us in the wetlands where we´ll be focusing on migrating waders, up on the steppe in search of Great and Little Bustards and in the mountains where we´ll be hoping to get quality views of Bonelli´s Eagle, Black Wheatear and more.
We´re looking forward to adding Bluethroat, Crane and Alpine Accentor to our regular sighting lists as these fabulous birds move into our region for the winter months.
New Bird Photo Hides.
For those who wish to dedicate time to bird hide photography, we continue to add new hides to our selection. In addition to our range of passerine hides, we can now offer photographic sessions in hides that are designed for specific species including Bonelli´s Eagle, Goshawk, Griffon Vulture, Egyptian Vulture and Ring Ouzel.
This work continues and we hope to bring news soon of a Golden Eagle hide too. Trips to these hides can be booked individually or they can form part of a multi-day birding and bird photography break. As always, all of our trips are completely tailor-made according to the wishes and priorities of our clients.
So, it´s with a great deal of gratitude and enthusiasm that we sign off this newsletter, as we eagerly begin the autumn and winter period of 2019. We´re very much looking forward to introducing many new clients to our region and to welcoming back the clients that so kindly choose to return. We´re waiting for you here in Valencia!