The week before Christmas, I spent four fabulous days with three of the UK´s leading writers from the birding world – Dominic Mitchell, David Chandler and David Callahan.
With the support of the Tourism Department of the Valencian Comminity, Turespaña, Hotel Gran Playa Santa Pola and the Tourism Departments of the provinces of Castellon and Valencia, we designed and organised this press trip to showcase the value and attraction of the Valencia region as a winter birding destination.
With additional input from Carolina Garcia (Reigos Levante), Pau Lucio (Bird Watching Spain) and Virgilio Beltran (Actio Birding), we put together a trip that took us to all three provinces and a huge diversity of habitats. Each day had its priority species, most of which were winter visitors to the area although some special resident species were included too.

Salt lagoons of Alicante
On the first day, we only had a few hours as the flight arrived in Alicante in the early afternoon. Therefore we headed straight for the saltpans of Santa Pola. Here we soon began to list a good number of species, the highlights including Spoonbill, Purple Swamphen, Audouin´s Gull, Greater Flamingo and Osprey. We continued until the failing light meant that we had to retreat to the Hotel Gran Playa Santa Pola, where the chef had prepared an excellent dinner, including tasters of many of the locality´s traditional dishes.

Audouin´s Gull
The second day was to be the longest, both in terms of hours and distance travelled. The morning was spent in the huge wetland sites of Alicante, where we were very keen to see the Great Spotted Eagles that regularly winter here. With the help of Carolina Garcia who frequently monitors these birds, we enjoyed views of these magnificent raptors, both perched and in flight. We also had good views of White Headed Duck, Marbled Teal, Booted Eagle, Merlin, Spanish Sparrow, Red-knobbed Coot, Bluethroat and Gull-billed Tern.

We could have happily spent the whole day here, as there´s always so much to see, but time limitations dictacted that we had to move! So, we headed inland to an area of steppe, cereal farms and vineyards in the south west corner of the region. After meeting up with Pau Lucio, we enjoyed a brief coffee stop before heading out across the fields. The first species that we saw included Calandra Lark, Thekla´s Lark, Lesser Short Toed Lark and Iberian Grey Shrike. Then, we were delighted to see the bird that I´d been quietly hoping for all day – Spanish Imperial Eagle!

Calandra Lark
We continued our exploration of the fields, hoping for Sandgrouse. Initially, we saw a single Black-bellied Sandgrouse in flight. Then, after a little searching, we were treated to good views of a flock of over 100 Pin-tailed Sandgrouse, both in flight and later feeding on the ground. The day was coming to an end and we still had to make the onward journey to the city of Valencia where Yanina joined us for dinner.

The City of Arts & Sciences Complex, Valencia
On our third day, we headed for the mountains that lie just to the west of the city. Our first stop was atop a 1,000 metre peak where we were hoping to see Alpine Accentor. These hardy little birds spend the winter on the highest peaks of the region, often moving around in small flocks. Whilst waiting, we enjoyed superb views of a Peregrine Falcon, passing quickly in flight below us. Eventually, an Alpine Accentor made an appearance, staying for long enough to allow good views and photographic opportunities. Once departed, we did likewise, heading for a local bar for coffee and toast, stopping on the way to watch a Blue Rock Thrush!

Alpine Accentor
We then moved further into the mountains, where we had views of Black Wheatear, Black Redstart, Crested Tit and Short-toed Treecreeper, before making for a huge crag to see Griffon Vultures. I then suggested that we should move on, in the hope of seeing another of the day´s target birds, Bonelli´s Eagle. We scanned the surrounding treeline, crags and trees without success, before driving up a track onto higher ground.

Panoramic view of the highlands of Valencia. Photo kindly provided by David Chandler.
There were plenty of Crag Martins in the air but no sign of any raptors. Not wanting to give up, we headed back down into the valley, watching the skies. Just before the sun started to dip, one of the group spotted a large bird, so we quickly got out of the van to take a closer look.
It was indeed a female Bonelli´s Eagle, which was soon joined by its mate. They perched on a rocky outcrop for a long while before mating and eventually flying off as the light started to fail. A superb ending to a great day! We then made the journey to the village of Cabanes in Castellon province, where we enjoyed an outstanding dinner at the small, authentic hotel, Vía Natura.
Our final day was to be a short one, owing to the departure time of the flight from Castellon airport. Fortunately, close to the airport is the coastal wetland site of El Prat de Cabanes, where there´s an interesting reserve area. We were joined by Virgilio Beltran who provided an explanation of the reserve and its work. Then we explored the coastal lagoons and reed beds where we saw Mediterranean Gull, Kingfisher, Green Sandpiper, Water Pipit and a few House Martins and Barn Swallows. A little time spent watching the sea gave views of Sandwich Tern, Gannet, Audouin´s Gull and Lesser Black Backed Gull.
We had to head back to the van, and on to the airport, but our return walk gave us views of Zitting Cisticola, Dartford Warbler and Penduline Tit. It had been quite an intense trip, but I believe that we´d succeeded in making the most of each day, getting good views of the main target species, and exploring part of all three of the region´s provinces. With over 120 species seen, all in the great company of three such accomplished birders and writers, who have all kindly supported our work here in Valencia, it had been my pleasure to run this trip.
We said our goodbyes, vowing to stay in touch and hopefully get together again before too long, before each heading on our way to enjoy Christmas with our families.
Written by Dave Warrington.
Bird Watching Guide at Valencia Birding.