Last Friday, I provided a day trip for Andy and Lydia from the UK. They were spending a weekend in Valencia and wanted to include a day´s birding in their break. The vast wetland site of Albufera de Valencia is surrounded by rice fields, and the different phases of the rice cycle influence greatly the habitat and therefore bird life of the park. During the month of February, the flooded fields and gradually drained and ploughed, and the sight of huge flocks of gulls, egrets, herons and ibises that follow the tractors is one not to be missed. More on that later…

Typically huge flocks of Glossy Ibis at Albufera de Valencia
We began our visit at one of the park´s protected reserve areas, where we started the day with perhaps one of the highlights, a Ferruginous Duck that was resting in amongst a group of Common Pochard. Other wildfowl included Shelduck, Red Crested Pochard and Teal. We then turned our attention to shorebirds, and enjoyed views of Black-winged Stilt, Ruff, Greenshank and both Black-tailed and Bar-tailed Godwits. Crag Martins were feeding in flights and Marsh Harriers passed over the reed beds. A Booted Eagle came to rest in a tree nearby.

Cattle Egret
We then headed out across the rice fields, in search of ploughing tractors! On the way we stopped to get views of a Water Pipit plus all three Egrets – Little, Cattle and Greater, counting 17 of the latter in one field. Then we saw a huge flock of Gloosy Ibis which lead our eye to a tractor, so we headed towards it and had our picnic lunch whilst enjoying the show! The sheer number of birds in Albufera is truly amazing. Just in a few minutes we were watching numerous flocks of thousands of Glossy Ibis and Black Headed Gulls, with a few Lesser Black Backed in there too. Similarly, there were vast numbers of Grey Herons, Cattle Egrets and Great Egrets. Although all common birds in this area, the density is incredible!
We continued across the fields, stopping to watch a flock of Lapwings. In winter, other plovers can often be seen with such flocks, and careful scanning indeed revealed a few Golden Plovers, beautiful even in their winter plumage. We were watching a Little Ringed Plover when suddenly a small flock of Golden Plover flew into sight, giving brief but fabulous flight views.

Distant shot of a Golden Plover with Lapwing, taken by the mobile through the scope.
A specific bird that I wanted Andy and Lydia to see was Purple Swamphen, so we headed for a spot where they are regular. After just a few moments, we found one striding through the reeds. At the same location, yet more Marsh Harriers were seen together with a few Common Buzzards. A little further along our route we saw Greater Flamingo, Green Sandpiper and Reed Bunting.

Purple Swamphen
We ended the day at a small lagoon where the day was brought to a happy end with nice views of Black Redstart, Black-necked Grebe, Audouin´s Gull, Stonechat and Zitting Cisticola. The time had passed so quickly, but the day had been a pleasure. We headed back to Valencia where I left Andy and Lydia at their hotel, wishing them a happy stay in this beautiful city.

Audoin´s Gull
The species list for the day included…
Crag Martin, Sardinian Warbler, Chiffchaff, Cormorant, Mallard, Shelduck, Pochard, Ferruginous Duck, Red Crested Pochard, Black Winged Stilt, Ruff, Black Tailed Godwit, Marsh Harrier, Greenshank, Yellow Legged Gull, Little Grebe, Booted Eagle, Hoopoe, Bar Tailed Godwit, Moorhen, Long Tailed Tit, Great Tit, Teal, Common Coot, Lesser Black Backed Gull, Great Egret, House Sparrow, Glossy Ibis, Common Buzzard, Little Ringed Plover, Common Starling, Spotless Starling, White Wagtail, Cattle Egret, Little Egret, Water Pipit, Black Headed Gull, Lapwing, Golden Plover, Meadow Pipit, Reed Bunting, Purple Swamphen, Green Sandpiper, Chaffinch, Zitting Cisticola, Greater Flamingo, Stonechat, Kestrel, Audouin’s Gull, Great Crested Grebe, Black Redstart, Black Necked Grebe, Goldfinch, Greenfinch.
Written by David Warrington.
Bird Watching Guide at Valencia Birding.