Autumn is always an interesting time at the vast wetland site of Albufera de Valencia. The rice fields are steadily being flooded after the recent harvesting and of course post-nuptual migration is underway, especially exciting here as the region is right on a major flyway (its network of coastal wetlands serving as crucial feeding grounds).
Last week I enjoyed a day out with Jeff and Dee, experienced global birders but first timers to our region, so they were keen to see what bird life it holds. Audouin´s Gull was top of their target species. Accordingly, we began the day at a small coastal lagoon, separated from the sea by an extensive dune system. Upon arriving, there was a gull on the water not far from us, but once in the binoculars, we found it to be a Slender Billed. A Sandwich Tern was also diving for fish and huge flocks of Common Starlings were wheeling around above the forest. The Common Starling is a winter visitor to this region, and can often be seen with the resident Spotless Starling.

Slender Billed Gull
Great Crested Grebes were also out on the water, two Shags flew by and Crested Larks were feeding on the ground. Then we were treated to an old favourite of mine from my years of birding back in the UK – an Oystercatcher, which we tend only to see on passage here. It was such a treat for us to watch this wonderful creature as it fed in the shallows of the lagoon. As we did so, a Kingfisher came to perch on a semi-submerged trunk, giving excellent views inspite of the strong sunlight.

As we were speaking of the chance sighting of the Oystercatcher, another shorebird caught our eye. It was close to a small flock of Dunlin but stood out as being different. It was indeed a Turnstone, another species that we only tend to see on passage. In amongst the Dunlin were also a few Ringed Plovers.

We decided to take a stroll to the beach, watching the low bushes for movement as we walked. They gave views of Sardinian Warbler, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Stonechat and Zitting Cisticola. A Hoopoe flew by as did a lone Barn Swallow. Two Booted Eagles then appeared above us, and circled quite low giving fabulous views.

As we stood on the dunes, looking out to sea, checking the Yellow Legged Gulls and Black Headed Gulls, a more elegant looking bird came into view. Indeed it was an Audouin´s Gull. Jeff was really pleased to see this bird, and even moreso as it eventually came to rest close to us, allowing for quality views of it´s red bill with black band and yellow tip.

Audouin´s Gull
We moved on to another reserve area where we immediately saw a Common Buzzard circling with two Marsh Harriers. A very smart male Black Redstart showed well and once at the first lagoon, we had views of Shoveler and Shelduck. The second lagoon held a huge flock of Black Winged Stilts, around 500 birds, and whilst scanning among them, we also found Avocet, Redshank, Black Tailed Godwit and a Common Sandpiper.

A peaceful spot for lunch that gave good views of plenty of birds in the surrounding rice fields
Time was marching on and we were feeling hungry, so we drove to a pretty little spot by the south shore of the main Albufera Lake. Whilst enjoying our sandwiches in the sunshine, we watched Great Egret, Cattle Egret, Kingfisher, Purple Swamphen and Glossy Ibis. After lunch we headed across the rice fields. Huge numbers of White Wagtails were feeding in the stubble, and then as we scanned further across the fields, we had great views of a female Merlin.

Yet more Marsh Harriers and huge flocks of Glossy Ibis brought the day to a close, and as we prepared to leave, a Green Sandpiper flew past. Dee mentioned that she likes to have a “goodbye bird” at the end of each trip and we thought the Sandpiper was it, but as I left them in Central Valencia, a Robin that was calling from a bush claimed this title!
It had been a great day and a pleasure to spend it with Jeff and Dee. The species list for the day included…
Slender Billed Gull, Sandwich Tern, Mallard, Common Starling, Spotless Starling, Great Crested Grebe, Shag, Oyster Catcher, Crested Lark, Little Egret, Kingfisher, Turnstone, Sardinian Warbler, Yellow Legged Gull, Black Headed Gull, Stonechat, Audouin´s Gull, Cormorant, Grey Heron, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Little Grebe, Dunlin, Ringed Plover, Booted Eagle, Barn Swallow, Hoopoe, Zitting Cisticola, Magpie, Marsh Harrier, Common Buzzard, Black Redstart, Shelduck, Shoveler, Cattle Egret, Redshank, Black Tailed Godwit, Avocet, Common Sandpiper, Great Egret, Purple Swamphen, Greater Flamingo, White Wagtail, House Sparrow, Moorhen, Glossy Ibis, Coot, Merlin, Kestrel, Green Sandpiper, Robin.

Written by Dave Warrington.