What a better way to get Christmas underway than by birding with friends Jolien and Silvia in the wetlands of Alicante?! Just under an hour´s drive from our home in the mountains, the system of coastal wetlands is a birder´s paradise at any time of year, and today´s trip gave us some excellent sightings.
After a quick morning coffee in a small village, we walked into the first reserve and scanned across a small lagoon. Shoveler and Teal were on the water in good numbers, and the shoreline held Snipe, Black-winged Stilt, Common Sandpiper, Glossy Ibis and Purple Swamphen. Crag Martins were feeding overhead and a Sardinian Warbler called from the bushes. A small flock (or “clattering”) of Jackdaws passed over, followed closely by a Booted Eagle. A Dutch birder asked what the raptor was, and then doubtfully asked if we knew the name in Dutch – Jolien was on hand to help thanks to her Flemish heritage! We then turned our attention to a group of Terns. Most of them were Whiskered Terns but closer attention revealed a White-winged Tern too.

White-winged Tern with Whiskered Terns
There then followed a few moments that momentarily transported us to Spring! A few Barn Swallows came into view, feeding on the wing with Crag Martins, and Silvia suddenly spotted a Little Bittern in the reeds. Silvia’s eagle-eye quickly took us back to the present winter´s day by finding a Bluethroat at the water’s edge. We were then treated to some fabulous views of Red-knobbed Coot, their red “horns” surprisingly evident given the time of year.

Red-knobbed Coot
We walked to a couple of hides where we had views of Marsh Harrier, Avocet, Greater Flamingo, Shelduck, Little Grebe and Stonechat. Our stroll back to the car park, where we enjoyed lunch whilst sitting in the warming mid-day winter sun was wonderfully interrupted by a small flock of Cranes that passed over head, calling to each other in flight.

After lunch we visited another couple of hides, where we enjoyed good views of Kingfisher, Black-necked Grebe, and quite surprisingly, Greylag Goose. An Osprey flew by, and moments later returned grasping a fish in its talons. This sight somehow brought to an end what had been a lovely day – that special mix of the good company of friends and superb birding!

The species list for the day included…
Purple Swamphen, Black-winged Stilt, Snipe, Little Grebe, Teal, Shoveler, Common Coot, Sardinian Warbler, White Wagtail, House Sparrow, Moorhen, Red-knobbed Coot, Mallard, Common Sandpiper, Crag Martin, Jackdaw, Spotless Starling, Cormorant, Glossy Ibis, Kestrel, Black-headed Gull, Greater Flamingo, White-winged Tern, Whiskered Tern, Barn Swallow, Booted Eagle, Marsh Harrier, Bluethroat, Little Bittern, Stonechat, Avocet, Crane, Chiffchaff, Common Starling, Crested Lark, Greenfinch, Cattle Egret, Iberian Grey Shrike, Magpie, Little Egret, Kingfisher, Greylag Goose, Shelduck, Osprey, black-necked Grebe, Great Egret, Cetti’s Warbler, Wood Pigeon, Goldfinch, Robin, Collared Dove, Black Redstart, Yellow-legged Gull.

Written by Dave Warrington.
Owner & Birding Guide at Valencia Birding.