I’ve just come to the end of a 3-day birding trip with some extremely long-standing clients of Valencia Birding. It was even more special as this was the first time that I’d seen Rab & Jan since before the Covid pandemic, so it was even more special to be with these friends again. They have travelled extensively with me throughout the region, and this time opted to make the beautiful and historical town of Xativa their base for our trip.
Day 1 – Alicante Wetlands
We of course had a plan for our three days, but some sudden and fast moving wet weather fronts that were sweeping across the Iberian peninsula meant that we had to be flexible and dynamic in our choice of birding sites in order to maximise quality. For that reason, on our first day we visited a small wetland reserve close to Alicante. Having driven through some heavy rain, as we neared the coast, the skies cleared slightly and the rain stopped.

We visited a couple of hides, happy to have a roof over our heads given the recent weather, and enjoyed some great views of Gadwall, Common Pochard, Red Crested Pochard and Marbled Teal – a species that has been the subject of a great deal of conservation work in this region.

The weather was obviously improving, so we opted to have a walk around the reserve, taking in firstly an area of Mediterranean scrub. He we were thrilled to see a small flock of Stone Curlew, an Iberian Green Woodpecker and an Iberian Grey Shrike. We then spent some time in another hide, overlooking a lagoon that held White Headed Duck, Black Necked Grebe, Little Grebe, Teal and Shoveler. Marsh Harriers were constantly gliding low over the reeds and the surrounding bushes held Black Redstart, Stonechat, Serin and Chaffinch. Crag Martins were feeding overhead and closer attention revealed a few House Martins amongst them.

Black Necked Grebe
As the afternoon drew to a close, we strolled back to the car before making the trip back to Xativa, very happy with the day and the birds that we’d seen.
Day 2 – Mountains
The weather on day 2 was much better, just a little cloud cover and the odd short shower but nothing that would cause a problem. Rab and Jan were keen to see an area of mountains in the interior of Valencia which they hadn’t visited before, so we headed north and west from Xativa, stopping on route for a coffee before taking a short walk by a wooded river. There we saw lots of Griffon Vultures circling overhead, Crag Martins feeding on the wing, and in the surrounding scrub, we were delighted to get a view of Cirl Bunting and Black Wheatear. The trees by the riverbank were full of Chiffchaffs and Goldfinches, a Chaffinch proudly sang from a branch by the path and a group of Long Tailed Tits passed through.

Griffon Vulture
As we drove further up into the mountains, along a rocky trail, we stopped to watch a huge cliff that held a colony of Griffon Vultures. As we followed a few of them in flight, we also spotted a Peregrine Falcon. We decided to make this lovely place our lunch spot, so took out some folding chairs and had sandwiches whilst watching the vultures soaring above us. Whilst doing so, a Crested Tit made an appearance.

After lunch we headed out of the gorge, driving through remote farmland where we saw Corn Buntings and a Jay amongst other things. We then brought the day to an end by visiting a 1000 metre peak which is often to home to wintering Alpine Accentors. I was hopeful of seeing them although we were approaching the time of year when they head to their breeding grounds. Our luck was in, and after only a few minutes, two birds came into view on a boulder very close by. There were a couple of interesting moments still to be had before we drove back down to valley level and headed back to Xativa – the first was great views of a small group of mountain goats, crossing the track in front of us. The second was a brief view of a Woodlark.

We’d had a great day, with some fabulous birds all in wonderful natural surroundings.
Day 3 – Albufera de Valencia
Our third day was designed to be a little shorter, allowing Jan and Rab time to make their return journey to the Costa Blanca where they were to spend the rest of their holiday. After a short and comfortable drive from Xativa, we made a brief stop to pick up some sandwiches and to grab a quick coffee before heading across the rice fields of Albufera. Here we saw huge numbers of Glossy Ibis feeding in the fields together with a flock of Audouin’s Gull. Zitting Cisticolas were calling as they took to their characteristic “bouncy” flight, and the reeds by the edge of a canal held Reed Buntings and Stonechats.

Glossy Ibis
We arrived at the nature reserve Tancat de la Pipa, were we were to spend the morning, and began our walk. The adjacent field was full of Little Egrets, Cattle Egrets, Great Egrets and Grey Herons. A Sparrowhawk made a sudden fly-past. Cetti’s Warblers were singing all around us and Crag Martins were feeding above in huge numbers, soon to be joined by House Martins and Barn Swallows.

We were then treated to fabulous views of a Booted Eagle that spent a long time circling over the reserve before drifting off towards the coast. Although quite distant we also had views of a passing Short Toed Eagle. We then spend an hour or so at an observation point, scanning across the wetland, enjoying not only the views of Albufera with the mountains in the distance, but also sightings of Great Crested Grebe, many more Glossy Ibis, Buzzard, Marsh Harrier, yet more passing House Martins and Swallows. The Booted Eagle returned too!

Booted Eagle
Time had marched on as it does when birding, and it was soon time to say goodbye. It had been wonderful to see Jan and Rab again, and to catch up on two years worth of tales and news whilst having the pleasure of so many great birds. I hope to see them again soon.

Written by Dave Warrington.