Just before Christmas, I had the pleasure of welcoming Larry and David from the USA back to Valencia. I met them last winter and we spent a day at the coastal wetlands of Valencia. This year, Larry spent a day with me on the steppe, followed by a day at Albufera when David also joined us.
Day 1 – Steppe
We had originally planned to go to the steppe the previous year, but bad weather had forced a change of plan. So, when the day dawned bright and with no wind, it was somewhat a relief! Our first stops on farmland gave us views of the usual suspects including Red-legged Partridge, Rock Sparrow, Crested Lark, Black Redstart and Spotless Starling. Then, as we were scanning across the fields, a beautiful male Hen Harrier came into view. It made a few passes, giving us fantastic views, before it eventually disappeared behind some low hills.

Rock Sparrow
We drove cross-country to a couple of lagoons where we had views of Greater Flamingo, Lapwing, Lesser Black Backed Gull and wildfowl including Shoveler, Gadwall and White Headed Duck.
In the afternoon, we turned our attention to the more remote fields of the high steppe, which rewarded our efforts with views of Iberian Grey Shrike, Little Owl, Common Buzzard, Calandra Lark and huge flocks of Linnet.

Little Owl
It had been a great day so far, but we still hadn’t seen Great Bustard, which was the key target of the day! So we made a detour to check some other likely spots, and more or less as we were running out of options, we spotted a group of them not so far from the road! We were able to park the car, get out the scope and enjoy some great views in beautiful afternoon light. A fabulous way to end the day, after which we drove back to Valencia, stopping on the way for a coffee.

Great Bustard
The species list for the day included…
Spotless Starling, House Sparrow, Rock Sparrow, Carrion Crow, Goldfinch, Crested Lark, Black Redstart, Hen Harrier, Red Legged Partridge, Stonechat, Magpie, Greater Flamingo, Buzzard, Lapwing, Lesser Black Backed Gull, Shoveler, Gadwall, Mallard, Coot, Little Grebe, White Headed Duck, Marsh Harrier, Black Headed Gull, Common Pochard, Iberian Grey Shrike, Little Owl, Calandra Lark, Linnet, Great Bustard.
Day 2 : Albufera de Valencia.
Albufera has provided us with some great trips during the autumn and early winter of 2022, and today was no exception. The morning was spent at a reserve area where we saw Avocet, Black Winged Stilt, Ruff, Black Winged Stilt, Snipe and a lingering Collared Pratincole. A little movement in the reeds caught our attention, and after a few moments waiting, a Bluethroat emerged.

The rice fields, most of which were partially flooded held Great, Cattle, and Little Egret, huge numbers of Glossy Ibis, Meadow Pipit and White Wagtails.

Great Egret
Our final stop of the day was at a coastal lagoon where we had great views of Greenshank, Great Crested Grebe, Black Necked Grebe, Slender Billed Gull, Sandwich Tern and Sanderling.

Slender Billed Gull
It was great to see Larry and David again, and to share some special birding experiences. I very much look forward to seeing them upon their return to Valencia in the future.
The species list for the day included…
Mallard, Shelduck, Black Winged Stilt, Avocet, Ruff, Greater Flamingo, Sardinian Warbler, Little Grebe, Bluethroat, Marsh Harrier, Stonechat, White Wagtail, Black Tailed Godwit, Teal, Collared Pratincole, Snipe, Booted Eagle, Chaffinch, Meadow Pipit, Great Egret, Cattle Egret, Little Egret, Grey Heron, Glossy Ibis, Lesser Black Backed Gull, Purple Swamphen, Kestrel, Grey Wagtail, Common Starling, Magpie, Spotless Starling, Greenshank, Great Crested Grebe, Slender Billed Gull, Sandwich Tern, Black Redstart, Crested Lark, Sanderling, Yellow Legged Gull, Chiffchaff.

Written by Dave Warrington.