Over the past few weeks, I’ve had the pleasure of providing a number of trips to Albufera for some lovely people from the UK, USA and Austria. All trips were different, but a common theme was the huge gatherings of Flamingos and Glossy Ibis that were absolutely spectacular.

Greater Flamingos bred at this site in 2023 for the first time, and it’s very likely that they’ll do so again in 2024. Watch this space for news on that.
The population of Gloosy Ibis has rapidly increased in recent years too, to such an extent that they often appear to whirl around in a similar fashion to Starling murmurations!

Whilst scanning through a flock of Glossy Ibis, we found this Sacred Ibis, which has been present at various wetland sites throughout the region for quite some time. It’s good to see that it’s surviving.

Other winter favourites are Bluethroat, which are one of the first wintering birds to arrive. This autumn has also been great for passing waders, with clients enjoying sightings of Temminck´s Stint, Little Stint, Golden Plover, Grey Plover, Curlew Sandpiper, Whimbrel, Dunlin, Turnstone and much more.

Other highlights have included Booted Eagle, Osprey, great numbers of Marsh Harriers and passing Black Stork and White Stork.
The remaining two weeks of 2023 will see us birding in Alicante as well as up on the steppe. More on that soon!

Written by Dave Warrington.
Valencia Birding.