I’d like to begin this post by wishing everyone a very happy, healthy and bird packed 2024. Last year was something of a record for Valencia Birding, with more clients than any year since our foundation in 2011, so I feel very grateful to all for such support, and very much look forward to the coming year. Over the next few months, we’ll be adding some new trips and birding breaks, so please watch out for that. As always, we continue to offer a range of “standard” trips, but often provide specially designed outings and holidays depending on the clients’ needs, wishes and preferences. More on that later.

Steppe scenery – huge plains dotted with lagoons. This area is situated to the south west of our region.
The final two trips of 2023 were both to the steppe, one for a returning client and friend from the UK, and one for a Spanish family who were visiting the region from their home in Madrid. We were blessed both days by great weather, with blue skies and thankfully very little wind.

The moment having found and watched the Great Bustards, with Fernando, Maria Jesus and Dani from Madrid.
On both trips we were successful in seeing perhaps the areas greatest avian attraction, the Great Bustard. The first time a group of 35 birds, to which we were able to get close enough to allow for good views, without causing any disturbance. These huge birds are very wary of human presence, so we’re always extremely sensitive to that when watching them.

Great Bustards
We also saw a few Black-bellied Sandgrouse flying over the fields, as well as huge winter flocks of Calandra Lark as well as Crested and Thekla Lark. Both trips provided opportunities to see Little Owl, Iberian Grey Shrike, Lapwing and Black Redstart out on the plains, as well as White Headed Duck and Red Crested Pochard on the lagoons.

Little Owl
Each outing held a special “raptor moment” too. The first had to be towards the end of the day when a beautiful male Hen Harrier flew almost alongside the car for a few moments, bringing the day to a wonderful ending. The second trip gave us excellent views of a Golden Eagle, and as we were careful to remain still and silent, it soared above us for a good while. A magnificent bird to bring the year to a close with.

Golden Eagle
Looking ahead to the new year, our first trip will be on 3rd January when we’ll head to Albufera de Valencia with a couple from the UK. A report will follow soon.
Again, best wishes to everyone for 2024, and I look forward to many more days of special birding moments together.

Written by Dave Warrington.
Valencia Birding.