I recently spent a very special day with two great clients from Scotland. Brian and Maria were staying close to Alicante on a short break, and wanted to include a day’s birding. The day was especially important as it was Brian’s birthday and he’d asked if it would be possible to see three specific species. He’s a very experienced and well travelled birder, and was eager to see White Headed Duck, Red Knobbed Coot and Greater Spotted Eagle.

One of Alicante’s many coastal wetland sites.
We spent the day at one of Alicante’s many wetland sites, which always provide excellent birding, and began with a walk around one of the reserves. The sightings began however before we even got out of the car, with an Iberian Green Woodpecker that flew in front of us into a stand of trees.

Iberian Grey Shrike.
As we strolled between reed beds and lagoons, the surrounding scrub held Black Redstart, Sardinian Warbler, Chiffchaff and Stonechat. Crag Martins were feeding on the wing, and a couple of Barn Swallows flew by, my first of the year. A nearby bare tree provided a perch for an Iberian Grey Shrike.
The lagoons held Shoveler and Glossy Ibis, and then the first of Brian’s targets – superb views of Red Knobbed Coot.

Red Knobbed Coot
We visited a couple of hides from which we added Red Crested Pochard, Greater Flamingo, Snipe, Black Necked Grebe and Marbled Teal. Then we picked out a male White Headed Duck on the far side of the water. Not a great view but a positive ID. I was determined to do better, especially as this was one of our aims for the day…

White Headed Duck
A pale form Booted Eagle circled above us and Marsh Harriers were also around in good numbers. After lunch we drove across farmland to visit another couple of hides, which did give us excellent views of White Headed Duck, both male and female individuals. The day was drawing to a close by now, and our efforts to find a Greater Spotted Eagle had so far been unsuccessful. These mighty raptors over-winter in this area in small numbers, migrating from the far east of Europe. Then a large bird suddenly came into view, in flight above an area of trees where I knew they often rested. With the binoculars, I was almost sure it was what we were looking for, but once we had it in the scope, it became absolutely clear that we were indeed looking at a Greater Spotted Eagle!

The end of a very happy day.
This was a perfect end to a very special day, spent in good company and surrounded by some fabulous birds. I hope that Brian had had a memorable birthday and I hope to see him and Maria again before long.

Written by Dave Warrington.
Valencia Birding.