Pre-Christmas Birding in Valencia

Birding in Valencia

This week I very much enjoyed a day´s birding around the wetlands of Valencia with Simon and Sarah from England. They were staying in the historical quarter of Valencia, combining the rich culture of the city with a guided birding trip to make an ideal pre-Christmas break. They were both keen birders and lovers of the outdoors, so we make a few tweaks to the wetlands trip to include a little more walking. The day began quite cloudy with a cold northerly breeze, so after the short drive from Valencia, we wrapped up and headed out along the beach. The first thing that caught our eye were the Marsh Harriers that were gliding over the huge reed beds, above which were great numbers of Crag Martins feeding on the wing. Stonechats and Chiffchaffs were more than abundant and a Black Redstart make a brief appearance too. Then we had quality views of one of the day’s target species – Audouin’s Gull. Audouin’s Gull Continuing along the beach, Sarah spotted a Cetti’s Warbler flitting around in the reeds as well as a small flock of Reed Buntings. The first lagoon held…

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60th Wedding Anniversary Birding!

Valencia Birding

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of providing a trip for a couple from Orkney who, together with their family, wanted a day of guided birding as a way of celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary! What a privilege for me to be part of such a special day, and how wonderful that they opted for a birding trip as a means of celebrating it! They were staying at a hotel by the coast in Denia on the Costa Blanca, and as they were a group of five people, I had the help of my good friend Bea, who is not only a knowledgable birder, but has also worked extensively in bird conservation programs. We headed south to the wetlands of Alicante, stopping first at a spot where we hoped to see Marbled Teal. We sat together in a large hide, overlooking a small lagoon. Our first birds were a trio of grebes – Little, Great Crested and Black-necked. Crag Martins were feeding on the wing in good numbers, and we spotted a few Barn Swallows in amongst them too. Then, a small flock of much larger birds in flight caught…

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A day at the wetlands of Alicante

Valencia Birding

The entire coast of the Valencia Region contains an extensive network of wetlands, which collectively make this area crucially important for migrating birds, especially as it’s located right on a major flyway. For those who choose to visit the southern reaches of the region, the area around Alicante is well worth a trip, as it too contains some excellent freshwater and saltwater wetland reserves. That’s not to mention the vast rural interior of the area, which comprises mountain, farmland, forest, desert and steppe! One of Alicante’s many wetland reserves. Last week I organised a day´s birding for John, choosing to focus on just one of the area’s wetlands, which is always a treat and usually throws up a few surprises too. We weren´t to be disappointed, as and usual the day passed so quickly that we were left with longings to return as soon as possible. But that’ll be another story before long… After a quick morning coffee, we drove slowly across an area of farmland to the reserve, enjoying good views of a Booted Eagle that was circling over the fields. A few Barn Swallows and House Martins were…

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Osprey Re-introduction Project

Valencia Birding

Last week I was privileged to spend the evening with my good friend Itzy Colodro Sainz of Magic&Nature who is once again working tirelessly on a project to re-introduce Ospreys to the Valencia region. This project is supported by local government,  specifically Conselleria de Medio Ambiente CV and is backed scientifically by Fundación Migres.  At a local level, it is also supported by the Town Halls of Pego, Oliva, Denia and Jávea and is collaborated in by Magic&Nature, who also organise volunteer events, and Acció Ecologista Agró. I spent some time with her last year whilst she was working on the same project and was amazed at the time, dedication and attention that such a project demands, and full of admiration for the team who work on it. This year, the young Osprey, who is named Estell, has been hand reared as usual and has now been released. He remains around the base at the moment, constantly under the surveillance of Itzy and the team, to ensure that he’s safe. However, perhaps the most nerve-wracking time is still to come, and will happen very soon – when Estell decides that it’s time…

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Conservation and Protection of Marbled Teal in Alicante

Valencia Birding

The Valencia region, particularly the extensive coastal wetlands of Alicante have long since been a stronghold for the extremely rare Marbled Teal. Over many years, much work has been done to augment the local populations and to protect this species – the most threatened duck in the whole of Europe. During my fifteen years living and working in Spain, I’ve been fortunate not only to see this bird on many occassions, and to share such special moments with friends and clients, but I’ve witnessed first hand the dedication that goes into protecting it. The Alicante wetlands are one of the key enclaves for Marbled Teal, and in some years have accounted for 20-30% of Spain’s breeding population. It is therefore with great joy and hope that I write of a new initiative that forms part of its longer term conservation strategy. Together with ANSE ( Asociación de Naturalistas del Sureste), SEO Birdlife have acquired around 55 hectares of wetland here in Alicante. The venture forms part of the wider ranging EU “Marbled Teal LIFE Project” an initiative which aims to manage and protect critical habitat for Marbled Teal throughout southern…

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Birding at a Marine Island Reserve

Valencia Birding

I’ve recently been putting the finishing touches to a new 5/6 day spring birding trip that will be launched soon, and have been spending time at some of the “new” sites that it will visit. Last weekend, we spent the day at the small island of Tabarca, a designated marine reserve just off the coast of Alicante. At less than 2km in length and only 400 metres wide, it’s very small, but holds some fabulous bird life. In winter it’s a good sea-watching spot, but it’s main attraction for birders is argueably it’s ability to attract migratory birds on passage. After the 15 minute crossing by fast launch, we arrived at the tiny port and began the day with a coffee at a small bar overlooking the beach. Little Terns were diving into the crystal clear sea, catching fish and a large flock of Yellow Legged Gulls were gathered on the beach. Overhead were Common Swifts, Barn Swallows and House Martins. We began our walk along the coastal path to an area of small rocky islets where we had good views of Shag. We then visited an old stone built…

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