Another reason to look even closer at our garden birds.

As those who know my philosophy of birding will already be aware of, I place great emphasis on looking closely at and paying particular attention to the bird life that surrounds us, even the most common species. In a recent article, I mentioned this as having particular relevance during the Corvid-19 lockdown, when most of us are confined to birding in our gardens. It can not only help us to appreciate the beauty of our more common birds, but also helps us to easily spot something that maybe a little out of the ordinary. Well, today I´d like to bring to your attention another reason, ironically and perhaps cruelly linked to our own current situation. Suttonella Ornithocola I would urge you to look even closer than usual at the tit family. As recently reported by various media, including, in some European countries, this family of birds appear to be suffering from a bacterium called Suttonella Ornithocola. (It has not yet been found in any other family of garden birds). This bacterium causes lung disease, typically with pneumonia like symptoms. Before I continue, I should be absolutely clear in stating…