A special time to be at Albufera

Last Friday, I provided a day trip for Andy and Lydia from the UK. They were spending a weekend in Valencia and wanted to include a day´s birding in their break. The vast wetland site of Albufera de Valencia is surrounded by rice fields, and the different phases of the rice cycle influence greatly the habitat and therefore bird life of the park. During the month of February, the flooded fields and gradually drained and ploughed, and the sight of huge flocks of gulls, egrets, herons and ibises that follow the tractors is one not to be missed. More on that later… We began our visit at one of the park´s protected reserve areas, where we started the day with perhaps one of the highlights, a Ferruginous Duck that was resting in amongst a group of Common Pochard. Other wildfowl included Shelduck, Red Crested Pochard and Teal. We then turned our attention to shorebirds, and enjoyed views of Black-winged Stilt, Ruff, Greenshank and both Black-tailed and Bar-tailed Godwits. Crag Martins were feeding in flights and Marsh Harriers passed over the reed beds. A Booted Eagle came to rest in a…