A fabulous Spring day at the Valencian Coastal Wetlands.

Back in May I enjoyed a super day with a wonderful client from Austria. Gudrun, who was visiting friends in Valencia, had previously met Yanina at a bird fair and had contacted us to arrange a trip. After collecting her from the historic quarter of Valencia, we drove to one of the region´s coastal wetlands. As we began our walk, we watched both Common and Great Reed Warbler and heard the familiar song of Cetti´s Warbler. On the first lagoon that we visited we saw White Headed Duck, a species that I was keen for Gudrun to see, and in a nearby tree we saw Turtle Dove, which stayed for a while giving us nice views. A pair of Marsh Harriers were flying low over the reeds, and we were then delighted to see a Moustached Warbler. A small flock of Glossy Ibis flew over and on a small island in the lagoon we watched Little Ringed Plover. A Little Bittern made several passes to and from a small island of reeds. Our walk continued along the beach, where we had great views of Audouin´s Gull. A little patience was…