Press Trip to the Valencia Region

Earlier this month Yanina and I were privileged and delighted to be involved in organising and guiding a press trip to the Valencian Community. We have long since known that our region is one of the “hidden jewels” of European birding. Although not so well known, once clients visit our region, the majority return, impressed by the habitat diversity, ease of travel and the amazing bird life that this region offers. As part of ongoing work to highlight our region as a top birding destination, with the support of Turespaña and the Agencia Valenciana de Turisme, Patronato de Turismo Valencia and Patronato de Turismo Costa Blanca a press trip was organised and a selection of key players from the world of birding journalism and media were invited. Our guests were David Callahan (Birdwatch magazine), David Chandler (Bird Watching UK magazine), David Lindo (The Urban Birder), Niklas Aronsson (Swedish Bird Life magazine), Jeff Baker (BTO) and Richard Collins (The Irish Examiner). Valencia Birding, together with the Asociación de Guías de Birding de la Comunidad Valenciana and Avanzatours were proud to be the guides for the trip. Time was limited as we…