Wildlife Photography for Beginners

In conjunction with naturalist and Albufera boatman “El Torrenti” and professional photographer Mabel Jover, we are delighted to launch a one-day wildlife photography course at Albufera de Valencia. By combining our diverse areas of expertise, this course will provide the opportunity to visit some of the lesser known areas of Albufera de Valencia, learn the correct photographic techniques for capturing images of its birdlife and landscape, and to learn much more about the bird species that this beautiful Natural Park provides home to. For further specific details please contact us by email NatureTrailSpain@gmail.com or telephone +34633117310    

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Bird Watching in Valencia Province

Last week, I had the pleasure of a arranging a day trip for a group of 5 experienced birders from Newcastle, UK.  They had spent some time touring around the provinces of Alicante and Valencia and after visiting various birding sites had managed to see 97 species.  They had opted to finish their holiday with a guided birding trip with us, and one of the group had made the claim that if their species list reached 100, then he would mark the occasion with a bottle of champagne! We made the journey up through the city of Valencia to the coastal wetlands and began our walk from there.  The day started well with good views of Moustached Warbler and Little Bittern.  The first sizeable lagoon held Red Crested Pochard, White Headed Duck and Great Crested Grebe.  The surrounding reed beds gave views of Great Reed Warbler, Fan Tailed Warbler and Reed Warbler.  We also enjoyed great views of Glossy Ibis, Turtle Dove and Audouin´s Gull.  Terns were very busy making continual fishing trips to feed their young.  We were fortunate enough to see Common Tern, Sandwich Tern, Little Tern and…

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Combining City Breaks in Valencia with Guided Birding.

Last Thursday I was fortunate enough to welcome back some previous clients.  Stella and Richard from UK has been on a guided birding trip with me last year and had this week returned to Valencia with family.  They had opted to enjoy a short break in this enchanting city, with its diverse cultural attractions, and to include in their plans a day of guided bird watching. I collected them from their apartment in the chic and historical area known as Barrio Carmen, then we made the short journey to the Valencian Coastal Wetlands.  After a morning coffee, we began the walk along the coastal dunes to the first of the day´s lagoons.  The skies were already busy with terns making constant fishing trips to feed their young.  The nesting colonies here include Common Tern,  Whiskered Tern and Little Tern. The first lagoon held Pochard, Little Grebe, and Black Winged Stilt.  As we made our way further along the coast, we enjoyed superbly close views of another of the area´s key breeding species, the Collared Pratincole.  We were fortunate to have views of this spectacular bird in flight as well as…

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Bird Watching at Albufera de Valencia.

Last week I had the pleasure of taking a great group of clients to my favourite birding venue…Albufera de Valencia. The group leader had been on previous trips with me and has since become a friend and loyal supporter of Valencia Birding.  We began our journey in Gandia, and travelled up through the rice fields to a very special nature reserve at the heart of the natural park.  Walking through the reserve, we enjoyed views of some superb classic Albufera species, including Avocet, Flamingo, Little Bittern, Purple Heron, Whiskered Tern, Great Reed Warbler and Black Winged Stilt. Thanks to the reserve staff, we enjoyed a light hearted but very informative presentation on the natural history and cultural history of the area, focussing on the rice growing cycle and how that influences the habitat and bird life. After a picnic lunch by one of the canals, we chartered a boat trip on the Albufera lake with our regular boatman El Torrenti, focussing on the quieter corners where the reeds provide home to Purple Swamphen, Little Grebe and Night Heron.  We also had good views of Gull-Billed Tern, Sandwich Tern, Little Tern…

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Short Breaks & Guided Birding in Spain – Day 2

On day two, we enjoyed a leisurely drive up onto the steppe of Castilla de la Mancha.  After a coffee-stop we headed out across the plains to the day´s first lagoon where we had good views of Avocet, Lapwing, Black Winged Stilt and Shelduck.  The fields around the lagoon gave good close views of one of the day´s target species, Calandra Lark.  Further scanning revealed perhaps the key species for the day, the Great Bustard. By now the wind was blowing hard, so we headed back to the van and visited another, more sheltered lagoon.  Here we enjoyed views of Marsh Harrier, Gadwall and Greater Flamingo.  Swifts, Swallows and House Martins were passing through in huge numbers, and careful attention revealed a couple of Pallid Swifts in amongst them.   We then headed out onto the high steppe where after some persistent searching we had much better views of Great Bustard.  We also enjoyed views of Corn Bunting, Hoopoe and a small flock of Bee Eaters. The day ended with a brief visit to another lagoon where we had particularly close views of the beautiful Black Necked Grebe. The two…

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Guided Bird Watching in Valencia.

On Friday 22nd March, we provided a day of guided bird watching for a great couple of clients from the Netherlands who were on vacation here in Spain.  Both keen nature lovers, they were eager to see the diverse bird life that the Valencian coastal wetlands holds, especially at this time of year when summer migrants are beginning to arrive. Our first stop was at a protected reserve within the natural park of Albufera de Valencia. We had excellent views of Purple Swamphen, Glossy Ibis, Avocet, Greater Flamingo and a small flock of passing Spoonbill. Recently arrived summer visitors included Redstart,Reed Warbler and Purple Heron. Wildfowl included Gadwall, Red Crested Pochard, Shoveler and Pochard. The visit was completed by a fascinating presentation by the reserve staff on the ecology and natural history of the area.  After a picnic lunch we moved slightly further north where we watched over a couple of coastal lagoons. We enjoyed good views of Little Ringed Plover, Kentish Plover, a Wheatear and recently arrived Whiskered Terns.  House Martins, Swallows and Swifts were passing through overhead in good numbers. The day was brought to a spectacular end…

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