A Pre-Christmas Trip to Alicante.

Birding in Alicante

Our final trip before Christmas 2024 took us to Alicante, where I had the pleasure of meeting Agustin and his family from Galicia in northern Spain. They were enjoying a Christmas break in the region, and wanted to include a day’s birding in their plans. Once I’d navigated the labyrinth of narrow streets in the historical quarter of Alicante, we met and made the short onward journey to the wetlands! Immediately upon getting out of the car we were watching Purple Swamphen and Snipe feeding at the base of tall reeds. Amazingly, the day after, we received news of sightings of a Purple Swamphen with chicks! Marsh Harriers, a common winter visitor to the región were out in good numbers, flying low over the marsh in search of prey. Another common winter visitor, the Eurasian Teal, often provides them with such! One of the reserve´s specialities soon came into view, again in good numbers – Red Knobbed Coot. Much has been done here to protect this bird, so it’s always gratifying to see them doing so well. Red Knobbed Coot There were obviously plenty of insects on the wing, as…

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Day 2 of a 4-Day Twin Centre Birding Break

Birdig in Alicante

Our day on the steppe was followed by a trip to the mountains in the interior of Alicante, so after a relatively short but comfortable drive from Xativa, we were soon drinking coffee in a village and discussing the plans for the day. Our first stop was a dramatic ravine with towering limestone cliffs. The bushes arond the parking area held Sardinian Warbler and plenty of singing Serins. We also enjoyed good views of Blue Rock Thrush, Black Redstart and Crag Martin. Blue Rock Thrush Perhaps the most spectacular bird of the morning was the Griffon Vulture. This area is home to a well established breeding colony, and we were abnle to see them both in flight and on their nesting ledges. Choughs were also very active, calling to each other in flight and swooping and diving over the peaks. After a short walk into the gorge and back, we drove up into a highland forest where we enjoyed lunch whilst watching Coal Tit, Blackcap and a Short-toed Treecreeper. We strolled back to the car and discussed the plan for the rest of the day, eventually opting to make a…

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3-Day Birding Trip from Valencia

Birding in Valencia

25-27 May 2022 I recently designed and provided a 3-day birding trip for a lovely couple from the UK. Ian is a life-long birder and has been keen to do an overseas birding trip for a while. Once we began to discuss possibilities, his wife decided to join him on at least one of the days, but in the end, I’m delighted to say that she came along on every trip. They stayed in a hotel in the historical centre of Valencia, one that we use frequently owing to its authenticity, location, quality and value. It was from there that we began our first trip, to the mountains. Day 1 – Mountains Our first day dawned with almost cloudless skies and very little wind, perfect conditions in which to explore the highland interior of Valencia. After a drive of around 50 minutes, we stopped for breakfast at a small village before heading into the hills. Our first sighting was Black Wheatear, which was a “lifer” for Ian. A Raven flew by as did a pair of Griffon Vultures. Our stroll through the woods gave sightings of Serin, Sardinian Warbler and…

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A spring day in the mountains

April 15th 2022 The busy month of April continued and on Good Friday I enjoyed a day in the mountains of Valencia with Frank from Ireland. He´s an experienced birder, as well as a pleasure to be with, so it was clear from the beginning that we were in for a good trip! As Valencia Birding traditions usually persist, we had a brief coffee stop in a small farming village before we headed into the hills in search of birds. As soon as we got out of the car, the air was full of the sound of Serins singing from the surrounding pines. We scanned some nearby crags in search of Black Wheatear and quickly located a pair that were obviously busy nesting. Having managed to get some good views, we headed into the woods. Stonechats, Sardinian Warblers and Chaffinches were around in good numbers, and then we were delighted to suddenly hear the unique song of Nightingale. A little patient searching gave us nice views of it too. Stonechat (male) As we approached a river, a Kingfisher darted downstream, and a small group of Long Tailed Tits passed by…

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Alex of 9 years old hits over 60 species in the day!

Birding in Valencia

14th April 2022 When Stuart contacted me to arrange a day´s birding for him and his son Alex, I immediately began to look forward to our trip. More than anything because Alex is just 9 years old, and it’s always a privilege to be able to support and inspire young birders. We met at one of Valencia’s many wetland sites, and after a chat about the plans for the day, began our walk. It was immediately clear that Alex was not only extremely enthisiastic, but that he knew his stuff too! The day got off to a great start as our first bird was a Woodchat Shrike, which perched nicely for us, allowing great views. Woodchat Shrike Our first small lagoon gave views of Purple Swamphen, and whilst on that theme, a Purple Heron flew by. Looking to the sky revealed plenty of Swifts, House Martins and Barn Swallows as well as a Marsh Harrier. A small bird caught our attention as it flicked up into a low bush. A little patient searching eventually gave us views of a Sub-Alpine Warbler, a new bird for Alex. We then looked out…

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Pre-Christmas Birding in Valencia

Birding in Valencia

This week I very much enjoyed a day´s birding around the wetlands of Valencia with Simon and Sarah from England. They were staying in the historical quarter of Valencia, combining the rich culture of the city with a guided birding trip to make an ideal pre-Christmas break. They were both keen birders and lovers of the outdoors, so we make a few tweaks to the wetlands trip to include a little more walking. The day began quite cloudy with a cold northerly breeze, so after the short drive from Valencia, we wrapped up and headed out along the beach. The first thing that caught our eye were the Marsh Harriers that were gliding over the huge reed beds, above which were great numbers of Crag Martins feeding on the wing. Stonechats and Chiffchaffs were more than abundant and a Black Redstart make a brief appearance too. Then we had quality views of one of the day’s target species – Audouin’s Gull. Audouin’s Gull Continuing along the beach, Sarah spotted a Cetti’s Warbler flitting around in the reeds as well as a small flock of Reed Buntings. The first lagoon held…

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