Two fantastic days with clients from Sweden.

When clients return it´s always a special feeling, and in mid May, Alexia from Sweden did exactly that. She´d previously visited Valencia and we did a trip to Albufera together. Not long after her return home she contacted us and we arranged a 2 day birding break in Valencia, which she was to combine with a cultural break in the city. This time she came with a friend, Lena. I was delighted to see Alexia again, and to meet Lena. Both very friendly and great company. On our first day we visited one of Valencia´s coastal wetlands.  A walk along the beach gave views of Audouin´s Gull and Whiskered Tern.  We had great views of Turtle Dove, a bird that appears to have done very well here this year. The lagoons held White Headed Duck, Little Ringed Plover, Great Egret and a solitary lingering Dunlin.  We also enjoyed watching the Tern colony which comprised Common, Little and Sandwich. We were delighted also to see the Elegant Terns that apper to be returning to Valencia each year to breed. On the walk back to the car we stopped to enjoy amazing…

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A day at the wetlands with clients from the USA.

Back in early May I spent a delightful day with a fabulous couple from the USA.  David and Dale were on a European cruise, and had planned to go birding in some of the places where they were stopping off at.  One such place was Valencia.  I collected them from the cruise terminal at the port, and then we made the short journey to the coastal wetlands.  We began with a quick coffee stop where we discussed some of the target species that I wanted them to see.  These included White Headed Duck, Collared Pratincole and Audouin´s Gull, all of which have established breeding grounds here in Valencia.  Our strategy was to go for quality views of some key species rather than go for a super-long list. Our walk along the coast took us past a couple of lagoons where we enjoyed great views of White Headed Duck.  Since this trip, I´m delighted to say that many pairs have successfully bred at this site. As we continued our walk, we saw plenty of Audouin´s Gulls flying over the beach.  Marsh Harriers were hunting at the back of the reserve and…

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3 day Spring birding break.

In late April I was delighted to welcome back Justin from Sheffield.  We did a trip last summer whilst he was on holiday with his family and had discussed the possibilities for a return visit.  This time he travelled alone on a short break that we´d designed together, his trip being timed to enjoy the Spring migration. Day 1 Easter this year was a complete wash-out on much of the Mediterranean coast, and in the Valencia region it was the wettest in 74 years!  The first day of Justin´s trip was timed to perfection as it was the first dry day after 5 days of torrential rain.  We were hoping to see plenty of birds on the move, and indeed we did.  It was as if the migration “plug” had suddenly being pulled and the flow of birds was spectacular. We spent the first day at one of the region´s wetlands, which itself is on a flyway.  The skies were full of House Martins, Barn Swallows and Swifts heading north.  The first lagoon gave great views of White Headed Duck, Red Crested Pochard, Whiskered Tern, Great Reed Warbler and Zitting…

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Spring birding at the wetlands with clients from Canada.

The month of April continued to be very busy, with high demand for trips to the wetlands.  The Valencia region boasts a vast network of coastal wetland sites which not only serve as breeding grounds but are located right on a major migration flyway so in Spring and Autumn can make for some very interesting trips. Today I was delighted to provide such a trip – spring birding at the wetlands with clients from Canada.  Blair and Anne had originally booked this trip but a little later Anne´s brother and his wife arranged to join them in Valencia so elected to come along too.  The group was not only very friendly and a delight to be with, but collectively held a great deal of birding experience. After a morning coffee during which we discussed the key target species of the day, we headed out along the beach.  A Marsh Harrier was quartering the reed beds and a pair of Red Crested Pochards were on the first lagoon.  The sky was full of Barn Swallows, Swifts, House Martins and Sand Martins. We were soon enjoying quality views of White Headed Duck,…

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Birding at the wetlands with clients from the USA.

In early April I spent a great day birding at the wetlands with clients from the USA.  Laura and Brad, from Arizona were on a tour of Spain and had built in a stay in Valencia that included a day of birding with us. As it was their first time in the region, I was eager to show them some of the classic species of Valencia.  After a short drive and a morning coffee, we began our walk along the beach.  Early Spring was quite cool by our standards, and the day had begun with a breeze blowing off the sea, making for a drastic contrast to Arizona! Migration was happening before our eyes with big numbers of Swifts, Barn Swallows, Sand Martins and House Martins passing through, the flocks often including a few Red Rumped Swallows.  A Night Heron was sitting in the reeds and from deeper within we could hear Common Reed Warbler and Cetti´s Warbler. Before long, one of the day´s target birds appeared – a fly-past of Audouin´s Gull.  This very elegant gull is doing very well along the Valencian coastline.  The first lagoon held Black Winged…

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Birding and Cultural Break in Valencia.

In late March we enjoyed spending three days with Caroline and Lorna from England.  We´d met at Rutland Bird Fair the previous year and discussed how we could design a birding and cultural break in Valencia.  Having exchanged a few emails, we decided upon a week´s package with 3 full days of birding and 4 free days to explore this beautiful city. In order to maximise diversity, we opted for a day on the steppe, a day at the wetlands and a trip to the mountains.  Their first day of birding was with Yanina who took them up onto the steppe.  We were all able to meet for a coffee in a farming village as I was with another client and happened to be in the same area that day. The weather was ideal, not too much wind and clear skies.  Their first foray onto the high steppe gave views of Black Bellied Sandgrouse and Stone Curlew.  Before long, they succeeded in finding the first Great Bustards of the day and a stop by some farm buildings also gave views of Rock Sparrow, Linnet and Black Redstart. The surrounding fields…

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