Guided Birding Trip to Albufera

A few days ago, I had the pleasure to organise a guided birding trip to Albufera de Valencia for a couple from the Netherlands. They were experienced birders, keen to discover new species from this region. After I collected them from their hotel in Valencia, we drove to the first stop in a reserve area, which right now is becoming a local “hotspot”.  We were amazed with fantastic views of Booted Eagles and Marsh Harrier, also Little Grebe and Kingfisher displaying right in front of us.  We also enjoyed good sightings of many waterfowl and wader species. Second stop was in a restricted reserve and green filter area where we were welcomed by Spoonbills flying overhead. Many Glossy Ibis and waders where feeding in the shallow water of the fields. Next stop was by a small lake, which by this time of the year becomes a great spot for wintering and migratory birds. Black-necked Grebes were among the target species here. It had been a special birding day with many great sightings.  These included… Mallard, Shelduck, Gadwall, Shoveler, Pintail, Red-crested Pochard, Common Pochard, Teal, Great-crested Grebe, Black-necked Gribe, Little Grebe, Great Cormorant,…

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Birding from Alicante

I recently designed and provided a 2-day bird photography trip for a client from Norway.  Svein was staying in the south of our region and wanted to organise a couple of days birding from Alicante.  We opted for a day at the area´s premium wetland reserve followed by a day on the steppe.  That way he would see two completely different habitats. One day 1 we met up and drove to the wetlands where we started the day with a walk through the reserve. The day began with views of Little Grebe, Little Stint, Dunlin, Avocet and Greater Flamingo.  We had good views of Glossy Ibis in flight, then of Booted Eagle passing overhead. Although we weren´t able to get quality photos, we were very fortunate to enjoy views of one of the over-wintering Spotted Eagles, a huge raptor that migrates from Eastern Europe each year. After a picnic lunch by a small lake where we enjoyed views of Wood Sandpiper, Red Knobbed Coot and Purple Swamphen, we took a short walk during which we had great views of a Black Stork. We then visited a couple of hides from…

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2 Day Birding Trip in the Wetlands of Valencia

Last week Dave and I had the pleasure of providing a 2-day trip for a couple of clients who have returned to Valencia each year to go birding with us.  We´ve since become firm friends and have enjoyed some great trips together.  This time they had planned an autumn trip and wanted to see the wetlands of this fabulous region. Day 1 – Albufera de Valencia Natural Park Having collected Jan and Ossie from central Valencia, we drove to Albufera to one of the park´s restricted reserve areas.  Whilst driving through the harvested rice paddies, we had great views of Glossy Ibis, Great Egret and Southern Grey Shrike, indeed a good start to the day. Once in the reserve, we stopped to scan over a small lagoon and enjoyed views of Snipe, Little Stint, Wood Sandpiper and Purple Swamphen.  The next lagoon and its surroundings gave views of Bluethroat, Spoonbill, Kingfisher, Reed Bunting and Redshank. After lunch, we visited another reserve where we enjoyed watching wildfowl, including Red-Crested Pochard, Pintail, Gadwall, Shelduck and Shoveler. The species list for the day included : Mallard, Shoveler, Red-crested Pochard, Common Pochard, Shelduck, Teal, Great-crested Grebe,…

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Autumn birding in Valencia

I recently enjoyed a great day´s autumn birding in Valencia with a couple from Holland.  Both experienced and well travelled birders, they were interested in seeing the region´s bird life, and especially wanted to photograph the Hoopoe. After collecting them from their hotel in the city, we made the short drive to Albufera de Valencia where we began the day in a protected reserve area.  We saw both Black-tailed and Bar-tailed Godwit, Black-winged Stilt and Dunlin.  The next hide gave quite brief but excellent views of Kingfisher. We then moved onto another restricted reserve where we spent more time, enjoying great views of waders and aquatic birds including Little Stint, Ringed Plover, Spoonbill, Glossy Ibis, Purple Swamphen and Great Egret. After lunch we travelled to a favourite spot for Hoopoe, hoping to get good enough views to allow for photographs.  After a little patience and searching, we succeeded.  This spectacular bird is always very popular with visitors from northern Europe. The day was brought to an end with a visit to a small coastal lagoon where we had great views of Kentish Plover, Sanderling, Greenshank, Curlew Sandpiper, Audouin´s Gull and…

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2-Day Bird Photography Trip

Last week I was delighted to provide a 2-day bird photography trip for a Dutch client who lives in Madrid.  We had communicated at length and had designed a bespoke trip for him, taking in some very specific locations, in search of some key target species.  His priority was wading birds, gulls and Water Rail. On day-1 we made the short trip from the beautiful city of Valencia to the internationally important wetland of Albufera.  We made a brief stop to admire a family of Booted Eagles that were flying low overhead, searching a nearby rice field for prey. We then moved on to visit a special, restricted reserve which in autumn is excellent for waders.  It was quite a windy morning, so we spent a little time thinking of how we could best position the vehicle to afford maximum shelter and best light conditions whilst not risking any disturbance of the birds. We enjoyed some fabulous views of some great wading birds including Bar-Tailed Godwit, Black-Tailed Godwit, Little Stint, Curlew Sandpiper, Greenshank and Dunlin.  Having spent a good while at the first lagoon we then took shelter in a…

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Bespoke Birding Trip to Albufera de Valencia

Last week I had the pleasure of providing a bespoke trip to Albufera de Valencia for a couple from Wales. They wanted to spend a day visiting the different ecosystems of this internationally important Natural Park. After I collected from their hotel in Valencia we visited a number of different reserve areas.  At the first stop, after a pleasant walk by the forest we arrived at a hide where we had great views of Avocet, Kingfisher, different waterfowl species and plenty of waders. At the next stop, we enjoyed a picnic lunch in a hide looking over a lagoon where Whiskered Tern, Great Egret, Booted Eagle and Marsh Harrier put on a wonderful display for us. Inside the reserve we also had amazing views of Spoonbill, Glossy Ibis, Curlew Sandpiper, Wood Sandpiper and Little Stint. The day ended with great views of Hoopoe, Crested Lark, Spotless Starling and Serin. It had been an interseting day with a lovely couple, who I hope to welcome back soon. Species list: Marsh Harrier, Booted Eagle, Kestrel, Flamingo, Spoonbill, Glossy Ibis, Purple Swamphen, Moorhen, Coot, Great-crested Grebe, Little Grebe, Black-necked Grebe, Mallard, Teal, Shoveler, Shelduck,…

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