White Stork in Albufera de Valencia

  Here´s a brief clip of a White Stork in Albufera de Valencia. The spring and autumn migration periods are fascinating here as the site is located right on a major fly-way. Each year, some fascinating species drop in to rest and feed on their journeys to and from Africa…          

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Bird Watching in Alicante

One vital aspect of our work as guides is to know intimately our area; what´s where and when.  We´re operating constantly around the many sites that surround Valencia so we´re always “in touch”.  However, we´ll soon be welcoming a small group who have booked a multi-day trip that will take in sites close to both Valencia and Alicante. Although the Alicante region is very familiar to us (we have a small operating base there), it´s been a few weeks since we were guiding there.  So, in readiness for our next trip, last week Yanina and I spent a couple of days bird watching in Alicante, to update ourselves on what´s around, to chat to some of the rangers, and to check out a new hide.  We´d also planned to drop in at a traditional guest house with whom we work to finalise plans for another group who are soon to stay there.  It´s always a pleasure to operate in Alicante, especially in some of the region´s virtually unknown inland sites.  Many of our clients opt for a bespoke multi-day trip that combines bird watching in Alicante followed by a few days…

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Birding with clients from USA.

In our work as birding guides, we´re very fortunate to meet some wonderful and interesting people.  This trip was no exception.  Bob and Mona are from Iowa, USA and had planned a day with us as part of their trip to Spain.  Normally, when we go birding with clients from USA there´s almost always new species involved for them.  However, that was going to prove a little more challenging today, as Bob has over 70 years of birding experience and has travelled throughout the World watching birds! Having collected them from their hotel close to the City of Arts & Sciences in Valencia, we made the short trip to Albufera de Valencia Natural Park.  We met up with Yanina and then headed into a restricted reserve area.  As we walked through a small Mediterranean pine wood, we saw Black Redstart, Fan-tailed Warbler, Short-toed Treecreeper and Red-legged Partridge.  Once in the first hide, we enjoyed views of Black-tailed Godwit, Black Winged Stilt and Little Grebe. We then moved on to another protected nature reserve where we had great views of some “classic” Albufera species, including Glossy Ibis, Spoonbill, Purple Swamphen, Wood…

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Guided bird watching in Valencia for a family

Last week, Yanina and I provided a day of guided bird watching in Valencia for a family from Suffolk, UK.  It was one of those special days with great weather, some fabulous birds and wonderful company.  After we collected John and his family from the seaside apartment in Valencia, we decided to head for Albufera.  We were originally thinking of visiting another coastal wetland, but our recent trips to Albufera had given some great sightings, so we opted to return. Our first stop was in a restricted reserve area, where we sat in a hide and enjoyed great views of waders including Little Stint, Black-tailed Godwit, Dunlin, Black-winged Stilt, Grey Plover and Curlew Sandpiper.  The surrounding bushes held Sardinian Warbler, Blackcap, Chiffchaff and lots of Black Redstarts. We then decided to make the short trip across to the other side of the Natural Park, firstly stopping for a coffee break in the old village of El Palmar, the birthplace of Spain´s most famous dish, paella.  As we drove between the rice fields we spotted a harrier feeding on recently caught prey.  Although it was quite a long way off, we…

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Birding on the Steppe of Spain

Last week, Dave and I enjoyed a fantastic day with a couple of returning clients from UK.  They had a trip with us in the Spring, when we enjoyed a day in the mountains of Valencia.  This time, they were keen to have a day of guided birding on the steppe of Spain. It was a pleasure to see Jan & Ossie again, and to catch up on our respective conservation projects, particularly with owls.  After a chat over morning coffee, we made the relatively short journey into the rolling plains of Castilla de la Mancha. One of our main target species was the Great Bustard, which would be a lifer for them both.  We stopped in a favourite location where we often get views of these magnificent creatures, and patiently scanned the surrounding fields.  After some 15 minutes, we were rewarded with some fantastic views of a group of male Great Bustards, strolling through the fields and feeding under a stand of trees.  As we enjoyed the autumn sunshine, a Red Kite suddenly came into view, and circled overhead, giving some wonderful views. Crested Larks and Skylarks flitted around…

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Guided bird watching in Spain

Last week I had the pleasure of providing a bird watching trip to one of Europe´s most important wetlands for two clients from Chicago, USA.  I provided a trip to Albufera de Valencia for a very interesting couple – Leonore was a experienced birder, and one of our objectives was to attract her husband George to the delights and joys of bird watching!  Leonore wanted to see some “new” European species so had previously contacted us to arrange some guided bird watching in Spain. After I collected them from their hotel we made the short drive to a reserve area inside the Natural Park where we visited a wader hotspot and enjoyed great views of Black-tailed Godwit and Little Stint. After a short walk through a forest we arrived at another hide where we had good views of waterfowl plus this magnificent Kingfisher.  There was also an abundance of songbirds on their autumn migration, particularly Pied Flycatcher and Willow Warbler. Next stop was in a restricted and protected reserve area, where we had fantastic views of some fabulous species including Spoonbill, Caspian Tern, Flamingo, Glossy Ibis and great array of waders….

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