Birding from Valencia

Mid October was a strange  time in Valencia this year.  It was as if autumn had not yet decided to show itself and summer was still well underway.  Some of our species that are “officially” summer visitors were still here, although today´s trip was blessed with great views of passage migrants. Valencia´s location, right on the east coast flyway, coupled with its extensive wetlands make it a perfect spot for passage migrants to stop, feed and rest on their autumn voyage to the south.  Today was no exception, and we were privileged to have great views of an Osprey that has been enjoying a short stay in Valencia for the past week! Today´s client Judy was a keen birder from the USA and was also enjoying a short stay in Valencia as part of a wider European trip.  She was keen to spend a day birding from Valencia, particularly to see some of the wetland species.  We began our day scanning the rice fields and canals of Albufera de Valencia, where we had views of Kingfisher, Snipe, Common Tern, Cattle Egret and Little Egret. Swallows and House Martins were passing…

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Upland birds of Spain

Last week, I was very happy to welcome back a small group of returning clients from Scotland.  They had previously been on a guided birding trip with me when we explored the wetlands of Valencia, but this time they were keen to see the upland birds of Spain.  Therefore, the Steppe and Lagoons of Castilla de la Mancha seemed to be the ideal trip. Having met at a convenient village in the rolling hills of inland Valencia, we continued the journey up onto the plains of Castilla de la Mancha (just over an hour´s drive from Valencia). As we made our first stop to scan across the fields, we had good views of Crested Lark and Skylark.  A Buzzard was perched nearby then a Hoopoe made a brief appearance. The first lagoon of the day provided a very interesting hour or so.  In amongst a flock of Lapwing on the shoreline, we spotted Ruff, Little Ringed Plover and a Redshank.  A small group of Flamingoes were feeding in the shallows, and flocks of Linnets were passing through the nearby pines.  As we scanned some ruined farm buildings, we had a…

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2 Day Birding Trip in Spain

Last week I had the pleasure of providing a couple of days of guided bird watching for a client from UK.  He was staying close to the town of Xativa, a short drive from Valencia and had previously contacted me to arrange two specific trips. Day 1 His choice for the first of his 2 day birding trip in Spain was a day on the high steppe and plains of Castilla de la Mancha. A very keen and experienced birder, he was eager to see the species that this very special environment holds, especially the Great Bustard.  He was accompanied by his wife on our first day, also a knowledgable birder and nature lover. After the obligatory morning coffee, we headed out across the plains and made our first stop to scan this vast area.  The first sighting was of a Hoopoe and a small flock of Crested Lark.  As yet…no Great Bustard! We then travelled to one of my favourite lagoons of this area, and opted for a lengthy stay here as it´s a spot where patience is often rewarded.  Upon scanning the water, we enjoyed views of Black…

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Birds of Prey in Spain

Last week I was especially privileged to be invited to take part in a raptor release programme.  The day was organised by an animal recuperation centre based within Albufera de Valencia.  We are fortunate enough to enjoy a diverse range of birds of prey in Spain, owing to it´s geography, topography, habitat and eco-systems.  As well as the many breeding species here in Valencia, many raptors pass through our region whilst on migration. The animal recuperation centre in Albufera does an incredible job of rescuing, treating and releasing hundreds of injured or sick birds each year and has a team of dedicated raptor specialists.  Today was in important day as there were a good number of fully recovered raptors that were ready for release. To give them the best chance of survival, we drove into the inland of Valencia to an area of forested highlands, ideal for birds of prey to hunt, rest and regain their optimum fitness levels. The first birds to be released were Kestrels, all of which had been taken to the centre having been found injured or having fallen from their nests as chicks. Lurdes and…

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Wildlife and Bird Watching in Valencia

Last week I spent a wonderful day with two great clients from my native Yorkshire.  There were on a journey through France and Spain and wanted a day of guided wildlife and bird watching in Valencia.  Not only keen birders, they were also particularly interested in ecology and natural history in general.  I designed a trip with this in mind, hoping to provide a bespoke day. After a short drive from their hotel in the city of Valencia, we stopped for a morning coffee  and discussed plans for the day, before heading to one of Albufera´s best nature reserves.  We walked through the reserve where we enjoyed views of Ruff, Little Ringed Plover, Snipe, Little Bittern and Marsh Harrier.  The lagoons held Greater Flamingo, Great Egret, Purple Swamphen and Shoveler. Upon scanning some nearby pylons, we were fortunate to see not only an Iberian Grey Shrike but also an Osprey.  This area is regularly used by Ospreys as a stopping-off and feeding point on their migration to and from their wintering grounds in Africa. We were then treated to a fascinating presentation by the reserve staff, which focussed on the…

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Valencia Birding Summer 2014 Bulletin

It´s hard to believe that we´re already in August! The year so far has been a very busy one and once more, I feel privileged to say that I have met some super clients with whom I´ve shared some very special birding moments. As always, it´s especially gratifying when people make return visits, and the year has seen some returning clients who over time have become friends. This year I´ve also been fortunate enough to welcome many clients from beyond Europe, mainly from USA and Canada. More importantly, I´d like to thank everyone for their support and for choosing to spend some time with us. It´s been an absolute pleasure. Special thanks to all those who have taken the time to leave reviews of your trips with us. Thanks to you, Valencia Birding is now officially “recommended” on Trip Advisor. You can see more here As for the birding highlights, these can differ greatly depending on the clients´wishes, and target species. For Northern European clients, species such as Collared Pratincole, Great Bustard, Bee Eater and Booted Eagle are often favourites. For clients from outside of Europe, most of our Mediterranean…

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