A day at Albufera with a wetlands expert from the USA.

Birding in Valencia

I recently had the privilege to meet and provide a trip to Albufera de Valencia for Patricia from the USA, who is a leading expert in the wetlands scientific research sector. Despite her huge knowledge and experience, her humility and enthusiasm for all that we saw made the day very special. Our first reserve visit gave us shorebirds that included Black Winged Stilt, Black Tailed Godwit, Collared Pratincole, Ruff and Common Sandpiper. A Kingfisher came to perch quite close by, and stayed there for a good few minutes, allowing for excellent views. Kingfisher After a morning coffee stop in a local village, we moved on to a coastal lagoon where we enjoyed watching Little Stint, Dunlin, Ringed Plover, Kentish Plover and Greater Flamingo. Dunlin After lunch, we drove across the rice fields which held Marsh Harrier, Buzzard, Glossy Ibis, Cattle Egret, Little Egret and Great Egret. Taking into account Patricia’s specialist knowledge, I built in a visit to the fabulous green-filter reserve, Tancat de la Pipa, where I could outline the developments that have taken place in the effort to improve water quality within the reserve, thereby enhancing habitat and…

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Another productive autumn day at Albufera de Valencia

Valencia Birding

7th October 2022 At this time of year, our wetlands are particularly interesting as many migrants, especially shorebirds, are passing through the region on their voyage from Europe to Africa. Today’s trip was for Mary from New Mexico, who was visiting Valencia with a friend and was keen to fit in a day’s birding whilst here. It was another grey day, as storm fronts had been moving through for a few days, but we succeeded in staying dry throughout the trip, despite being surrounded by sharp, localised showers. Marbled Teal Our first spot, at a reserve area, gave us a couple of very welcome surprises – Marbled Teal and a Collared Pratincole (October is relatively late for both, although Marbled Teal can often be seen in the south of the region). As we were sitting in the hide, a Kingfisher made a brief appearance, perching beautifully in front of us for a minute or so, before flying off into the reeds. Kingfisher Careful scanning then revealed a Teal, probably recently arrived as this is a winter visitor here, a Grey Plover and a Common Sandpiper. The next hide gave views…

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An Early Autumn Day at Albufera de Valencia

Birding in Valencia

Last weekend I provided a day trip to Albufera de Valencia for two lovely and very interesting people from Scotland, who also have a home in the Valencia Region of Spain. The trip was bought by Red for his wife Lorna´s birthday and had been planned for a while. The timing was designed such that the heat of the summer should be behind us and the early autumn migration should provide us with some interesting sightings. Having collected them from Valencia´s very elegant “Valencia Nord” railway station, from where we made the short journey to Albufera, we began the day in a hide from which we saw Greater Flamingo, Avocet, Black Winged Stilt and Common Sandpiper. As we were about to leave, a Green Sandpiper flew into view too. A good start to the trip! Greater Flamingo We strolled through the reserve, listening to Sardinian Warbler and Cett’s Warlber and arrived at the next hide which gave us excellent views of Black Tailed Godwit, Ruff and Shelduck. Lorna and Red were interested to learn more about how this huge wetland was formed, so we returned via the visitor centre where…

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2-Day Birding Trip from Alicante

Valencia Birding

8th & 9th September 2022 Day 1 : Coastal Wetlands & Saltmarshes. After the summer break, our trips kicked-off again in early September. I tend not to offer many trips during the summer months as the heat can often have an impact on the quality of the trip, which of course, is of paramount importance. Erling, from Iceland, had previously contacted me to arrange a couple of day´s birding whilst he was on holiday with his family in the Alicante region. Erling, a professional entomologist from the Icelandic Institute of Natural History, is clearly a well-known figure in Icelandic birding circles and beyond, so it was a privilege to meet both him and his brother-in-law Gudni, and to spend these days together. For our first trip, we chose to visit the wetlands of Alicante. Armed with a list of target species, we made the journey from Alicante and soon arrived at our first reserve. Within just a few minutes, we were watching Purple Swamphen, one of the targets for the day, which got the trip off to a great start. Swifts, House Martins and Crag Martins were all feeding above…

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A Sunday in June at one of Valencia’s Coastal Wetlands

Birding in Valencia

19th June 2022 Last Sunday I provided a birding trip to the wetlands of Valencia for Genevieve and Nick from the USA, who were spending a few days in Valencia. Most of Europe was enduring a heatwave, so we opted to begin the trip a little earlier than usual, and after enjoying a simple breakfast together, we began our walk along the beach. I was keen for them to see a number of specific species that are considered to be highlights of the region, and we were soon watching our first of them – Audouin’s Gull. Audouin´s Gull Barn Swallows and House Martins were feeding overhead in good numbers, and the air was filled with the flight call of Zitting Cisticola. Our first viewing platform gave us the opportunity to see Great Crested Grebe with young, Little Grebe, and another of our target birds, Purple Swamphen. Great Crested Grebe with young We spent a little more time at the viewing point, and soon saw Purple Heron, Little Bittern, Avocet, Glossy Ibis, Squacco Heron and Night Heron. We continued our walk along the coast, stopping at a few small lagoons to watch…

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A summer day in the mountains of Valencia

Valencia Birding

Raptor expert and falconer Paul contacted me earlier in the year to arrange a birding trip to the mountains of Valencia during his short break in the city. The day finally arrived, and coincided with a heatwave across the Iberian peninsula! We spoke a few days prior to the trip to ensure that we would take all necessary precautions, and decided to go ahead! Paul from the UK, a passionate raptor expert We enjoyed a comfortable journey from Valencia, heading inland for around an hour unti we arrived at a historical hill-village where we had a morning coffee with the locals prior to beginning the birding. The trip involves a short walk, which we opted to do at the beginning of the day, before it got too hot. Our stroll through a riverside forest gave us plenty of opportunities to listen to the song of Nightingale, Cetti´s Warbler and Golden Oriole, and gave us views of Spotted Flycatcher, Rock Sparrow, Sardinian Warbler, Blackcap, Serin and Melodious Warbler. Spotted Flycatcher We returned to the car and drove further up the valley where we parked in the shade of some pines and…

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