3-Day Birding Trip from Valencia

Birding in Valencia

25-27 May 2022 I recently designed and provided a 3-day birding trip for a lovely couple from the UK. Ian is a life-long birder and has been keen to do an overseas birding trip for a while. Once we began to discuss possibilities, his wife decided to join him on at least one of the days, but in the end, I’m delighted to say that she came along on every trip. They stayed in a hotel in the historical centre of Valencia, one that we use frequently owing to its authenticity, location, quality and value. It was from there that we began our first trip, to the mountains. Day 1 – Mountains Our first day dawned with almost cloudless skies and very little wind, perfect conditions in which to explore the highland interior of Valencia. After a drive of around 50 minutes, we stopped for breakfast at a small village before heading into the hills. Our first sighting was Black Wheatear, which was a “lifer” for Ian. A Raven flew by as did a pair of Griffon Vultures. Our stroll through the woods gave sightings of Serin, Sardinian Warbler and…

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Kentish Plovers in Valencia

Valencia Birding

We’re fortunate enough to enjoy the sight of Kentish Plovers throughout the coast of the Valencian Community, thanks in large part to some incredible conservation work and protection initiatives that national and local organisations undertake. When one spends so much time out in the field, now and again, very special moments occur. Here is some footage that I was recently very privileged to be able to shoot…

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Alex of 9 years old hits over 60 species in the day!

Birding in Valencia

14th April 2022 When Stuart contacted me to arrange a day´s birding for him and his son Alex, I immediately began to look forward to our trip. More than anything because Alex is just 9 years old, and it’s always a privilege to be able to support and inspire young birders. We met at one of Valencia’s many wetland sites, and after a chat about the plans for the day, began our walk. It was immediately clear that Alex was not only extremely enthisiastic, but that he knew his stuff too! The day got off to a great start as our first bird was a Woodchat Shrike, which perched nicely for us, allowing great views. Woodchat Shrike Our first small lagoon gave views of Purple Swamphen, and whilst on that theme, a Purple Heron flew by. Looking to the sky revealed plenty of Swifts, House Martins and Barn Swallows as well as a Marsh Harrier. A small bird caught our attention as it flicked up into a low bush. A little patient searching eventually gave us views of a Sub-Alpine Warbler, a new bird for Alex. We then looked out…

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A very productive day in Valencia!

Birding in Valencia

11th April 2022 Earlier this week I provided a birding trip to the Valencian coastal wetlands for Wil, a very experienced ornithologist from the Netherlands. As I’ve written previously, migration this year is generally later than usual owing to freak weather conditions in March, so April is turning out to be a really interesting time for birding here in the Valencia region. Northern Wheatear Having made the short journey from the historical quarter of Valencia, we began our walk along the beach. As soon as we left the car, we had views of Audouin’s Gull on the coast and Tree Sparrows in a bush next to us. Barn Swallows, House Martins and Common Swifts were feeding on the wing above us and Zitting Cisticolas were around in good numbers too. Black-eared Wheatear We paid close attention to a strip of coastal scrub where we saw huge numbers of Yellow Wagtails, noting at least three sub-species. Amongst the wagtails were lots of Northern Wheatear, plus a few Black-eared Wheatear, both extremely smart-looking birds. Turnstone The reeds held Common Reed Warbler, and we also heard a Water Rail. After a while, we…

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2-day Birding Trip from Valencia

Valencia Birding

4th & 5th April 2022 I recently had the pleasure of spending two days with Jim and Consuelo from the USA who were visiting their daughter in Valencia. As very keen birders, they were eager to include a couple of days of birding in their trip, and so we eventually opted to go for a day at the wetlands and a day in the mountains. Day 1 – Coastal Wetlands We were still suffering the after-effects of a freak weather system, and although the heavy rains had ceased, our first day was a little windy. We drove from their apartment in central Valencia and began our walk along the beach. We immediately had superb views of Audouin’s Gull, followed by Little Ringed Plover, Black-winged Stilt and a Purple Heron. Audouin’s Gull The strong winds had slowed down the previous few day’s heavy stream of Swallows, Swifts and Martins, but there were still a few around. Another recently arrived bird, Collared Pratincole were also seen in flight, as well as one that Jim spotted, sheltering from the wind behind a plant! Collared Pratincole We headed down the coast, stopping at our…

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Migration time at the wetlands of Valencia!

Birding in Valencia

This time of year is always really exciting, as the spring migration is getting underway, so new arrivals are always popping up – be they summer visitors or birds on passage. There are still a few winter visitors hanging around too, which always add to the enjoyment of birding here in March. Audouin’s Gull Last week, I had the pleasure of meeting Suzanne, a very well travelled and keen American birder, and of spending a day exploring one of Valencia’s many coastal wetlands with her. We made the short trip from the city and were soon on the beach, watching Audouin’s Gulls, a passing Hoopoe and a Black Redstart. As we strolled up the coast, watching over a lagoon we had views of Shoveler, Gadwall, Common Pochard, Red Crested Pochard, Teal and a Garganey. Cetti’s Warblers were calling from all around us, and squabbling with each other for territory. A Kingfisher made a brief appearance, and Reed Buntings and Zitting Cisticolas were plentiful. Zitting Cisticola We made a stop at an observatory, again overlooking a lagoon, and set up the scope. This gave us great views of White Headed Duck…

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