Mountain Bird Life

On 2nd May I took a group of birders on our Mountain Birds Trip. The group comprised a good mix of beginners and experienced birders. We began our day with a walk into a spectacular mountain gorge and were soon enjoying views of the magnificent GriffonVulture. Black Redstart were around in good numbers, as were Crag Martins. We soon found one of our target birds, the Blue Rock Thrush and subsequently enjoyed numerous sightings. A Linnet made a brief appearance as did Rock Bunting and Sardinian Warbler. Choughs and Ravens were seen flying above the cliffs. After a leisurely picnic lunch we set off for our second stopping point, a lake with reedbeds and trees. We had great views of a Reed Warbler in full song, plus a Fan Tailed Warbler and Corn Bunting. Sand Martins were around in good numbers, flying with over the reeds with House Martins. We then stopped what was for some another target bird – the stunningly colourful Bee Eater. The day finished with a beer in a local bar before a drive over a mountain pass and home… The day´s species list comprised… Black…