Conservation and Protection of Marbled Teal in Alicante

The Valencia region, particularly the extensive coastal wetlands of Alicante have long since been a stronghold for the extremely rare Marbled Teal. Over many years, much work has been done to augment the local populations and to protect this species – the most threatened duck in the whole of Europe. During my fifteen years living and working in Spain, I’ve been fortunate not only to see this bird on many occassions, and to share such special moments with friends and clients, but I’ve witnessed first hand the dedication that goes into protecting it. The Alicante wetlands are one of the key enclaves for Marbled Teal, and in some years have accounted for 20-30% of Spain’s breeding population. It is therefore with great joy and hope that I write of a new initiative that forms part of its longer term conservation strategy. Together with ANSE ( Asociación de Naturalistas del Sureste), SEO Birdlife have acquired around 55 hectares of wetland here in Alicante. The venture forms part of the wider ranging EU “Marbled Teal LIFE Project” an initiative which aims to manage and protect critical habitat for Marbled Teal throughout southern…