Local Bird Walk in aid of Tancat de la Pipa.

On Friday 1st June, a group of 18 friends and neighbours gathered for a “Bird Walk” around the valley of La Drova and Barx. Arranged by Valencia Birding, the dual purposes of the walk was to see the bird life that thrives within this spectacular valley and to raise funds for the much valued nature reserve Tancat de la Pipa, situated within the Natural Park of Albufera de Valencia. Many people have visited Tancat de la Pipa on our birding trips. The small team there do some wonderful conservation and research work that provides vital habitat for a huge range of birds, insects, reptiles, amphibians and plant life. We completed a walk of some 6km, through olive groves, woodland and open countryside. We managed to see 24 species, the highlights of which were Peregrine Falcon, Raven, Cirl Bunting, Golden Oriole and Woodchat Shrike. The complete species list comprised… Spotted Flycatcher, Goldfinch, House Sparrow, Spotless Starling, Swallow, Great Tit, Wood Pigeon, Long Tailed Tit, Serin, Blackbird, Peregrine Falcon, Black Redstart, Raven, Sardinian Warbler, Cirl Bunting, Golden Oriole, Greenfinch, Coal Tit, Melodious Warbler, Chaffinch, House Martin, Nightingale, Swift, Woodchat Shrike. We also…