Birding on the Steppe

One of the pleasures of being based in Valencia is the ease of access to many different habitats.  One of our favourite trips takes us up onto the steppe and cereal plains of Castilla de la Mancha, little over an hour´s drive away. I recently had the pleasure of providing a trip to this region for clients Doreen and Jim from the USA.  Both very experienced birders they were on a tour of Spain and wanted to see some of the area´s bird life, particularly on the steppe.  They were staying in the historical town of Xativa, so having met nearby we drove up to the birding area where we began with a morning coffee in a small farming village. Our first stop was beside a small lagoon surrounded by cereal fields.  It was still quite early so a cold wind was blowing.  Despite this we enjoyed views of Pochard, Lapwing and Stonechat.  Once back in the warmth of the car we made our way to another favourite viewing area where we put on extra layers! Here we had good views of Great Bustard, one of the day´s target species. …

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Autumn 2017 Bulletin

The Mediterranean summer is finally drawing to a close and despite clear blue skies, we´re starting to put on long sleeves to go out birding! Autumn is a delightful time of the year and the past couple of months have been extremely busy. We´ve been exceptionally fortunate to spend time with some fabulous clients, many on return visits with us. As for the birds, most summer visitors have now headed off for Africa and many winter visitors are beginning to arrive. We´ve also had a few surprise vagrants and rarities and plenty of passage migrants heading south on the East Coast fly-way. A particularly exciting morning recently gave us Pectoral Sandpiper and Red Necked Phalarope in the same view!   Bird Photo-Hides We´re delighted to bring to you news of a selection of completely new trips that include sessions in professionally managed bird photo-hides.  Within easy reach of Valencia, these offer superb opportunities to capture great images of an array of passerines and raptors. These include Bonelli´s Eagle, Goshawk, Crossbill, Hawfinch, Crested Tit, Short-toed Treecreeper, Rock Bunting, Ring Ouzel and many more.  These trips have proved to very popular, often as a…

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Cultural City Break & Guided Bird Watching.

We´re delighted to inform you of a new collaborative arrangement between Valencia Birding and Adhoc Hotels of Valencia.  This brings top levels of service to our clients, as well as extremely competitive and authentic accommodation in the heart of the historical quarter of the enchanting city of Valencia. This allows us to offer a unique short break that combines the rich culture of this beautiful Mediterranean city, its architecture, history and gastronomy with guided bird watching to some of Spain´s best sites, all of which are within very easy reach. All trips are completely tailor-made and are available for individuals, couples and small groups.  Click here for further details. We look forward to welcoming you to Valencia and sharing some of Europe´s best bird watching sites with you.

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Birding the local wetlands

Last week I was delighted to provide a day trip for a client from New Zealand who was visiting Valencia and wanted to see the local bird species.  A retired vet and therefore extremely knowledgeable naturalist, he was interested to see the birdlife of our region as well as to see how our nature reserves are handled. Having made the short drive from the historic quarter of Valencia, we walked along a dune system, looking onto a system of coastal lagoons. This is obviously migration time, so Barn Swallows were constantly passing through.  The reeds surrounding the lagoons gave views of Fan Tailed Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Chiffchaff and Reed Warbler.  We were also surprised to see a Melodious Warbler. The lagoon gave views of White Headed Duck, Purple Swamphen, Little Grebe and Shoveler.  As we continued our walk, we enjoyed views of Stonechat, Kestrel, Marsh Harrier and Cetti´s Warbler. We spent a while in a hide, looking out onto a shallow lagoon that´s great for waders.  This gave views of Greenshank, Snipe, Dunlin, Little Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper, Greater Flamingo and Black Winged Stilt. We continued our walk through the…

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Summer Bird Watching in Valencia

This week I had the pleasure of guiding two experienced birders from Denmark.  Although high summer is not the best time of year, it´s very interesting in terms of viewing Mediterranean breeding species. Our clients were also keen on bird life photography, so after I collected them from their hotel in Cullera we drove a short distance through the rice paddies to a field where Collared Pratincoles were breeding.  From a safe distance, as not to disturb them, we enjoyed great views and were able to get some nice photographs of these stunning birds. Meanwhile Gull-billed Terns where feeding in the rice paddies.  We enjoyed fantastic views of them in flight.  Glossy Ibis were also around in good numbers. Next stop was in a reserve area which is carefully managed to provide habitat for sea birds, waders and waterfowl. Thanks to that we enjoyed amazing views of four Marbled Ducks and one duckling.  We also saw Greater Flamingo, Whimbrel, Avocets, Black-winged Stilt and many more waders. The most interesting sighting of the day was of an Elegant Tern. Our next stop was in another reserve area.  A little patience was…

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Press Trip to the Valencia Region

Earlier this month Yanina and I were privileged and delighted to be involved in organising and guiding a press trip to the Valencian Community.  We have long since known that our region is one of the “hidden jewels” of European birding.  Although not so well known, once clients visit our region, the majority return, impressed by the habitat diversity, ease of travel and the amazing bird life that this region offers. As part of ongoing work to highlight our region as a top birding destination, with the support of Turespaña and the Agencia Valenciana de Turisme, Patronato de Turismo Valencia and Patronato de Turismo Costa Blanca a press trip was organised and a selection of key players from the world of birding journalism and media were invited. Our guests were David Callahan (Birdwatch magazine), David Chandler (Bird Watching UK magazine), David Lindo (The Urban Birder), Niklas Aronsson (Swedish Bird Life magazine), Jeff Baker (BTO) and Richard Collins (The Irish Examiner). Valencia Birding, together with the Asociación de Guías de Birding de la Comunidad Valenciana and Avanzatours were proud to be the guides for the trip.  Time was limited as we…

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