Guided birding in Valencia

Last Sunday I was delighted to provide a day of guided birding in Valencia for an experienced birder from Australia. Jillann was in Valencia for work but on her free day she wanted to discover the bird life of the Albufera de Valencia Natural Park. After I collected her from her hotel in the city, we went to a protected reserve area where there´s one of Europe´s largest Tern colonies, comprising mainly of Sandwich Terns and Common Terns. We also enjoyed seeing different species of ducks and waders with their young.  Jillann was amazed to see the large populaton of Avocet. The Marbled Duck is an endangered species which we´re delighted to see breeding in this reserve.  We were fortunate enough to see it with 4 young. Next stop was in a Mediterranean pine forest where we enjoyed a picnic lunch, relaxing for a while in the Spring sunshine and listening to the calls of Serin, Long-Tailed Tit and Sardinian Warbler. Then we went to the rice paddies where more than 100 Flamingos were feeding in the fields, then an amazing drive through the marshes with great views of Night Heron, Purple…

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Easter Birding in Valencia

On Easter Saturday, Yanina and I arranged a day of guided bird watching to the Valencian Coastal Wetlands.  At Easter Birding in Valencia is especially rewarding as many of the summer visitors are returning to their breeding grounds in our local wetland reserves. We gathered in central Valencia before making the short journey to the reserve that we´d selected for today´s trip.  After a morning coffee, looking out across the calm waters of the Mediterranean, we began our walk along a coastal dune system.  The first lagoon gave good views of waterfowl including Pochard, Red-crested Pochard and Little Grebe. As we walked further into the reserve, the second lagoon provided a spectacular sight of seven male White-headed Ducks, one of Europe´s rarest and arguably most attractive ducks.  We also had great views of Flamingo, Purple Heron, Glossy Ibis and Marsh Harrier. We then took in an area of coastal scrub, and were treated to views of Wheatear, Stonechat, Whinchat, Sub-alpine Warbler and Spotless Starling.  We also had a good view of Audouin´s Gull and the beautiful Collared Pratincole. After a picnic lunch on a pebble beach, we headed inland to an area…

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Spring 2015 Bulletin

  Birding at Albufera de Valencia and the Valencian Coastal Wetlands These two trips prove to be our most popular birding sites and we´ve had the pleasure of showing these amazing spaces and their rich bird life to clients from throughout the World. As they´re both such popular trips, we´re delighted to be able to improve them both even further.We´ve recently been granted special authorization to enter some wonderful restricted areas that are out of bounds for the general public. This provides our clients with the opportunity to enjoy some very special natural spaces that would otherwise be impossible to visit. For the Albufera de Valencia trip, we can now also offer a new and exciting additional element which is a trip in a traditional Albufera boat. These trips are exclusively for our clients, are allow us to pass quietly by some great areas of wetland and to enjoy a different perspective.   New Venues – Mountain Ranges of Valencia & The Lakes and Highlands of Inland Spain   The “Mountain Ranges of Valencia” trip is ideal for those who want enjoy a short walk in the mountains amongst stunning…

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Bird Watching in Valencia

Last month I was privileged to be invited to speak at the First Congress on Nature Tourism in Valencia. The aim of the congress was to gather the various public and private sector entities that are involved in Nature Tourism in the Valencian Community and to share experiences as well as to discuss how we can promote this fabulous area.   The Valencian Community (Comumidad de Valencia) comprises 3 provinces – Castellon, Valencian and Alicante.   It is relatively well known as a holiday destination but largely for the beaches of the Costa Blanca and the avant-garde city of Valencia.  What relatively few people are aware of are the stunningly rich natural environments and bird life of the region.   Many of my clients are truly amazed by habitat diversity, the vast wild spaces and the wildlife that thrives here.     The Valencian Community is home to no less than 21 Natural Parks.  These areas of special scientific interest and / or outstanding natural beauty are officially designated and protected by law and include some of Europe´s most important habitats. They include mountains in excess of 1800 metres (5900 ft)…

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Wildlife and Bird Watching in Valencia

Last week I spent a wonderful day with two great clients from my native Yorkshire.  There were on a journey through France and Spain and wanted a day of guided wildlife and bird watching in Valencia.  Not only keen birders, they were also particularly interested in ecology and natural history in general.  I designed a trip with this in mind, hoping to provide a bespoke day. After a short drive from their hotel in the city of Valencia, we stopped for a morning coffee  and discussed plans for the day, before heading to one of Albufera´s best nature reserves.  We walked through the reserve where we enjoyed views of Ruff, Little Ringed Plover, Snipe, Little Bittern and Marsh Harrier.  The lagoons held Greater Flamingo, Great Egret, Purple Swamphen and Shoveler. Upon scanning some nearby pylons, we were fortunate to see not only an Iberian Grey Shrike but also an Osprey.  This area is regularly used by Ospreys as a stopping-off and feeding point on their migration to and from their wintering grounds in Africa. We were then treated to a fascinating presentation by the reserve staff, which focussed on the…

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Bird watching in Valencia

Last week I provided a two day guided birding trip for a couple of great clients from Canada.  They were touring Spain and had previously arranged some guided bird watching in Valencia with us. Day one was a trip to the steppe and lagoons.  Having collected them from their hostal in the city of Valencia we made the short journey inland.  After a morning coffee we ventured out across the plains in search of one of their target species, the Great Bustard.  Our first stop did not reveal any bustards but the day did begin superbly with great views of a Great Spotted Cuckoo.  As we were watching  this, we enjoyed the song of nearby Skylarks and also had a great view of a Crested Lark and Corn Bunting. The first lagoon of the day gave views of Sandwich Tern, Greater Flamingo, Black-Winged Stilt and Little Ringed Plover.    We moved on to the day’s next lagoon where we enjoyed views of Shelduck, Avocet, Gadwall and Reed Warbler.  Then one of the day’s highlights, the extremely rare White Headed Duck.  We also had views of Marsh Harrier and Black-Necked Grebe….

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