Improvements to Mountain Birdlife Spring & Summer Trip!

Our “Mountain Birdlife – Spring & Summer” trip has been an extremely popular choice from the moment of its creation and I´ve had many happy days with clients who have enjoyed the magnificent birds that can be seen on this outing.  However, I´m always looking to improve and evolve and one of the relatively few positives that the Corona Virus situation has given me is more time to do just that.  I´ve spent a few days exploring some new areas around the general vicinity of the sites where this trip takes us to, with a view to adding more habitat diversity.  After a few unproductive outings, my efforts were rewarded and I´m now delighted to report that I´ve been able to improve this already fabulous trip. Last week, I carried out a “test drive” using my friend John as a willing guinea pig!  We made the comfortable and very scenic journey from Valencia, and stopped briefly at our first spot to look for Bonelli´s Eagle.  After only a few moments, we had super views of a young bird in flight.  (This trip can also be adapted to include a session…

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A morning at my local wetland site.

As (Corona Virus) restrictions are currently being eased, I recently enjoyed a morning´s birding at one of our local wetland sites with my old friend John. We´d arranged a birding trip together just before the lockdown so had to cancel and for obvious reasons hadn´t seen each other since early March. Although I´ve been birding regularly on my own, this was my first trip with another person, so the social aspect was most welcome! Applying the measures with regard to masks, distancing and common sense, we met and began our morning with a walk along the coastal stretch of the site. We immediately heard the song of Common Reed Warbler and then spotted a Turtle Dove that flew by. Then we had good views of my “lockdown bird” Zitting Cisticola, so named as during the time when I couldn´t leave my neighboorhood in Valencia, I found lots of them inhabiting patches of waste ground and urban allotments. A Great Reed Warbler then popped onto the top of a reed and began singing right in front of us, which is always a fabulous thing to see.  We decided to spend a…

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Fabulous News – Greater Flamingo Breeds Successfully in Alicante.

Valencia Birding

A combination of factors have combined to provide the ideal conditions for Greater Flamingo to breed successfully at one of Alicante´s salt marshes for the first time in 37 years!  This site is one that we usually include in our multi-day birding breaks and is very reliable for Greater Flamingo, but the news that they have been able to successfully breed there is delightful. More about the factors that have provided such ideal conditions… In January of this year, the region suffered from huge storms with incredibly high rainfall.  Following this, early Spring in Alicante was also much wetter than usual.  This resulted in the water levels at all wetland sites  increasing, but as this sudden increase was due to rainfall, it also reduced the salinity of the water.  The reduction in salinity then resulted in a huge increase in the population of the brine shrimp Artemia salina, the principal food of Greater Flamingo. The birds also enjoyed a period of relative calm, firstly as there were far fewer humans around because of the Corona Virus lockdown, and secondly because predators such as foxes could not get close to the…

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The Lives of Griffon Vultures.

Griffon Vultures – Magnificent Birds of the Spanish Mountains Often misunderstood, or at least badly portrayed! Spain is home to around 17,000 pairs of Griffon Vultures. That sounds like quite a lot, but the sobering thought is that this figure accounts for approximately 75% of the World´s population. The wingspan of an adult bird is almost 3 metres, and they can live for over 30 years. They are often seen as “flying planks” high in the blue skies of Southern Europe. But what of the lives of these mystical creatures? “Vultures!” is often a phrase, an insult indeed for someone who preys on the vulnerable, the weak, for their own easily gotten gains. No wonder then, that this carries over to the image of these most noble of birds. I beg to plead in their defence! Firstly, on a “personal” basis, they are monogamous, usually pairing for life. As these photos show, they breed on mountain crags, building their nests from sticks. The lay a single egg, which is incubated for 50-60 days. Four months after hatching, the chick is fledged and can fly, but usually needs further care and…

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Covid-19 & Valencia Birding

I´m posting this update to keep everyone informed of the situation here in Spain and to add a few personal comments. The Situation In Spain Spain is undergoing a gradual and controlled return to “normality” with a staged approach that´s designed to safeguard as much as possible against further outbreaks. The method is a phased approach, with restrictions and practices being amended as each phase passes. Regional and national governement are in regular contact with every sector of the economy in order to establish specific safety measures and operating practices. As of today (18th May 2020) from a legal perspective, nature tourism in Spain can resume, albeit of course with such safety measures in place. At present, this relates to group size, social distancing, PPE and the disinfecting and cleaning of vehicles and optical equipment, all very wise and well thought-through measures. Should anyone wish to know more in detail about the specific measures that we are to adopt and how these will work in real terms, I´d be more than happy to explain. A such, please do not hesitate to contact me for more details if required. Future Bookings…

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Urban Birding in Valencia

As previously detailed, here in Spain, we´re now enjoying a little more freedom as the Covid-19 lockdown is being gradually eased.  We have a short time-slot in the mornings and again in the evenings when we´re able to go for a walk within a 1km radius of home.  I´m not yet able to make the short trip to my local wetlands, beach or to the mountains that I can see from home, but the new situation has given me the opportunity to look much closer at the bird life that´s on my doorstep. Only last night, whilst strolling around the neighbourhood, I heard a singing Nightingale, saw hundreds of Swifts, a Kestrel and a Glossy Ibis in flight.  But the point of this article is to outline in a little more detail my outing last Sunday morning. Our neighbourhood of Benimaclet enjoys what you could term as the “best of both worlds” in that it was once a village, separated from the city of Valencia, so still has many of the original houses, narrow streets and church square.  It´s very much a family orientated residential area, and is within a…

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