Yet another great day at Albufera.

Last week I was delighted to meet Albert, a scientist from Illinois, USA who had contacted us to arrange a day trip to the wetland site of Albufera de Valencia.  He wasn´t an avid lister, but had a passion for birds and as this was his first birding trip to Spain, we chose to aim for quality views of the most “important” species. We began our trip at a reserve area where we had great views of a male Sardinian Warbler, Black Redstart and Marsh Harrier.  We then moved to a different hide from where we watched Black Winged Stilt, Ruff, Teal and Crag Martins which were feeding in the air above us.  Our walk back through the forest gave views of Long Tailed Tit and Firecrest. We then headed across the rice fields, generally exploring the park.  This part of the trip included sightings of Little Egret, Cattle Egret, Great Egret, Glossy Ibis and a Green Sandpiper.  After a coffee break, we drove further into the park and made a brief stop to explore a flooded area.  From here we were really pleased to enjoy great views of a White…

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An autumn day at Albufera.

I´d been looking forward to welcoming back Stephen and Pennie since they´d booked yet another return trip to Valencia earlier this year.  We´d previously enjoyed many happy days together so it was great to see them here again.  Both keen birders, Stephen is also an experienced field photographer, and is very well travelled in pursuit of his hobby. We decided upon a return to Albufera de Valencia as this ever changing environment can differ greatly from month to month, plus Purple Swamphen was a key target bird for them both.  We began at a small protected reserve area where we had views of Sardinian Warbler, Chiffchaff and Zitting Cisticola in the reeds.  The lagoon held good numbers of Black Winged Stilts that were in a mixed flock with wintering Black Tailed Godwits. The highlight of this stop was the regular views of Booted Eagle and Marsh Harrier in flight, providing Stephen with the chance to get some fabulous shots.  We also saw Dunlin, Ruff, Common Buzzard and Greater Flamingo. We fitted in a brief coffee break during which I was pleased to be shown some great photos from Stephen and…

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A day on the steppe.

Last week, I enjoyed a great trip with Ville from Finland.  A very experienced birder and professional biologist, he was in Valencia for a conference and had extended his stay to include a day on the steppe.  He was particularly keen to see Great Bustard as he´d never seen it before.  We also added White Headed Duck to the list of target species as this would also be a “lifer” for him. Having made the comfortable drive from Valencia, I was happy to discover that Ville was keen to have a coffee before we began our birding!  We did so and then started by making a couple of stops to scan the vast fields.  Our first stop gave good views of Crested Lark and Iberian Grey Shrike. Some old farm buildings provided sightings of Rock Sparrow, Tree Sparrow, Corn Bunting and Spotless Starling.   We then stopped by a small lagoon to watch Gadwall, Shoveler, Black Necked Grebe and a few Lapwings.  Then, as we scanned the surrounding fields again, we were delighted to see Great Bustard!  There were 4 males quite some way off, but with the scope we could…

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Autumn 2019 Newsletter.

Reflection. Following the summer holiday period, Autumn is always a time of reflection, thinking back over the year so far whilst at the same time looking ahead at what remains, particularly with migration in mind. We still have a few late summer visitors here, but in general the autumn migration is well underway. This week has seen huge mixed flocks of Swifts, Martins and Swallows passing through the region but what has been more noticeable has been the sheer numbers of Bee Eaters on the move this week and last. Waders are currently the big draw though, especially at our numerous coastal wetland sites. Recent sightings have included Terek Sandpiper. Looking back at the Spring of this year, we are delighted to say that Valencia Birding enjoyed its best ever period (in terms of number of clients) since we began back in 2011. In challenging times such as these, it´s fabulous to see such positive trends and we´re exceptionally grateful to all whose support has helped us to make this possible. The “star” species are too numerous to comprehensively list here but they have to include the returning Elegant Terns,…

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4 Day Birding Trip around Alicante.

Just before our summer break, I was delighted to design and provide a 4 day birding trip around Alicante for two clients from the UK.  Robin and Simon are both experienced and very well travelled birders.  Robin was on a quest to see all the European bird species and prior to the trip, he had less than 30 species left to see!! His key priorities were Red-knobbed Coot, White Headed Duck and Red-necked Nightjar, but we also added Iberian Green Woodpecker (Picus sharpei) to that.  Their flight arrived in Alicante in the afternoon, so once I´d met them there, we made the most of the few hours that we had by exploring the local salt marshes and coastal lagoons. We enjoyed good views of plenty of Greater Flamingoes, Little Tern, Whiskered Tern and Audouin´s Gull.  We then moved to a hide overlooking a scrape from where we spotted a Kentish Plover on a nest.  The large colony of Slender Billed Gulls also gave us great views. Although we´d only had a few hours, we´d made a good start.  We drove to their hotel in central Alicante which was only a…

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A exciting find on one of the hottest days of the year in Valencia, Spain – Terek Sandpiper!

It was one of the hottest days for 150 years in Valencia.  I was booked to provide a guided birding trip to the huge wetland site of Albufera de Valencia but a few days before the trip, the clients contacted us to ask if we should move the date.  As the forecast for the duration of their stay was more or less constant, I suggested that we stick with the original day but take sensible precautions. It was over 30 degrees C when I collected the clients from the city centre in Valencia – that was at 7:30am!  After a short journey we arrived at Albufera Natural Park, one of Spain´s most important wetlands.  Located on one of the major migration flyways of the Western Paleartic, Albufera de Valencia is an extensive wetland which is immediately south of the city of Valencia, right on the Mediterranean coast and in 1990 was designated as a Ramsar site. It was declared a Natural Park in 1986 and holds an huge variety of ecosystems.  It was originally formed by sediment that was deposited by the region´s two principal rivers, the Jucar and the Turia, both of which…

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