Birding with returning clients in Albufera de Valencia

A few weeks ago I was especially pleased to provide a day of birding in Albufera de Valencia for returning clients from the UK.  Once again, they arrived in Valencia by cruise ship and didn’t have a full day so they decided to visit again Albufera de Valencia. They were keen to see this wetland site in the autumn.  Eric is 83 years old has been birding all his life and is always happy to see Mediterranean species. They wanted a relaxed birding trip and that’s what we did.. After I collected them from the cruise ship terminal we headed to the Devesa forest, early that morning I had seen a Yellow-browed Warbler close to my home and Eric was keen to see it. A few seconds after we parked we heard it calling and finally Eric had a good view.  A great start to the day!! Next stop was at the main reserve of the natural park – autumn in Albufera is excellent for enjoying waterfowl… a few minutes after we visited the visitor center, we were in the observatory enjoying great views of Red-crested Pochard, Shelducks, Teal, Shovelers…

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A Birding Trip on a Rainy Day

A few weeks ago I provided a birding trip on a rainy day to Albufera de Valencia for two clients from England. They were staying at El Parador Golf & Resort at El Saler which is inside the natural park and they were keen to explore the birdlife of the different ecosystems of the area. Despite the forecast, we were looking forward to the day. First, we drove to a small reserve area in the south of the park, to look for one of the target species of the day… Purple Swamphen and we succeeded, we enjoyed awesome views of many birds. We agreed we were going to have a challenging day trying to escape from the rain and luckily we had begun well. We continued driving to our next stop when we had suddenly to stop.. an Osprey was perched on a pylon, giving magnificent views. Next stop was at the main reserve of the natural park, it was early autumn so a great time for waders! After a short walk through the forest, we arrived at an observatory where we had amazing views of Black-tailed Godwit, Black-winged Stilt,…

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Guided birding trip in Valencia

Last week I was delighted to provide a guided birding trip in Valencia for a family group from USA. They were visiting one of their daughters who is studying in Valencia and they wanted a day in Albufera to discover the Mediterranean birdlife. It was their first time birding in Europe, so most of the bird species were new for them and the were very excited. The day was cloudy but not windy, promising good views of many bird species, Albufera in Autumn is always fantastic. After I collected them from their apartment in Valencia city, we arrived at our first stopping point within a protected reserve area and spent a good time in a hide watching Glossy Ibis, Black Tailed Godwit, Black-winged Stilt, Shelducks, Shovelers and Teals. On our way to the picnic lunch area we stopped in a bar in the village of El Palmar to buy a sandwich to take with us. We were heading to the picnic area when we stopped after a Marsh Harrier flew right in front of the car and landed in the rice fields.     Once inside the green filter reserve area…

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Two Special Days in Albufera.

Mid October saw some freak weather along the east coast of Spain and on the Balearic islands.  Intense rainfall caused quite severe flooding in places, resulting in many roads being underwater and a complete closure of schools and universities in Valencia for a day. In terms of birdlife, this sudden deluge resulted in very high water levels at the region´s wetlands, meaning that many waders moved elsewhere to feed.  During these few days, despite the conditions, I was to enjoy two special days in Albufera – not just because of the birds, but largely due to the lovely people that I met. The first trip was for Saffia and Andy from London.  Saffia had arranged the trip as a birthday gift for Andy, so I was hoping for some good sightings.  I really enjoyed the day with them, such interesting people with a passion for life, birds and travel.  This human side to guiding is exceptionally valueable, and provides for some wonderful experiences. The first stop gave us views of Greater Flamingo, Black Redstart, Marsh Harrier and Stonechat.  We moved on to a coastal lagoon where we saw Black Necked…

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Birding in Valencia with returning clients.

Last week I was especially pleased to provide a day of birding in Valencia for returning clients Valerie and Roger, from UK.  Last year we enjoyed a day trip to the mountains in the Spring, and this time they were keen to see the wetland site of Albufera de Valencia during the autumn migration period.  Both relative newcomers to birding, their knowledge was growing very fast and they´d obvioulsy spent a lot of time birding back home in previous months.  It was fantastic to see this knowledge growth and to enjoy their enthusiasm for this fabulous hobby. Our first visit to a restricted reserve area provided good views of Avocet, Black Winged Stilt, Glossy Ibis, Black Tailed Godwits and Grey Plover.  We also enjoyed fabulous views of a female Marsh Harrier perched in the top of a nearby tree.  A special moment for Valerie in particular was the sight of a flock of Greater Flamingoes in flight, always a spectacle to remember. Our next stop was at a small lagoon where we focussed on the smaller waders including Ringed, Little Ringed and Kentish Plover as well as Little Stint.  We…

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2 Day Birding Trip from Valencia.

Last week, Yanina and I were delighted to provide a 2 day birding trip from Valencia for a great couple of experienced birders from Sheffield.  Jonathan and Caroline wanted to combine a few days exploring the cultural and historical sites of the city of Valencia with two days of bird watching – an increasingly popular option for visitors. After some discussion about the best sites for the time of year, we opted for the wetland site of Albufera de Valencia and a day in the inland mountains of Alicante. Yanina was the guide for the first day and after collecting Jonathan and Carolina from the city, they made the short journey to Albufera.  The northern rice paddies gave views of Cattle Egret, Glossy Ibis and Whiskered Tern. They then moved to a restricted reserve area where they enjoyed views of Black-tailed Godwit, Grey Plover, Black-winged Stilt, Greater Flamingo and Kentish Plover.  Whilst moving to a suitable spot to enjoy a picnic lunch, they were treated to views of Booted Eagle, a raptor that moves down from its mountainous breeding grounds to the wetlands in the autumn and winter. A tour…

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