Birding on the Steppe

One of the pleasures of being based in Valencia is the ease of access to many different habitats.  One of our favourite trips takes us up onto the steppe and cereal plains of Castilla de la Mancha, little over an hour´s drive away. I recently had the pleasure of providing a trip to this region for clients Doreen and Jim from the USA.  Both very experienced birders they were on a tour of Spain and wanted to see some of the area´s bird life, particularly on the steppe.  They were staying in the historical town of Xativa, so having met nearby we drove up to the birding area where we began with a morning coffee in a small farming village. Our first stop was beside a small lagoon surrounded by cereal fields.  It was still quite early so a cold wind was blowing.  Despite this we enjoyed views of Pochard, Lapwing and Stonechat.  Once back in the warmth of the car we made our way to another favourite viewing area where we put on extra layers! Here we had good views of Great Bustard, one of the day´s target species. …

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Guided bird watching in Albufera de Valencia.

This week I provided a day trip for a brother and sister from the Netherlands.  They were in Valencia for a short break and had contacted us previously to arrange a day of guided bird watching in Albufera de Valencia. Our first albeit brief stop was in a reserve area where had views of Red Crested Pochard, Black-winged Stilt, Marsh Harrier and Booted Eagle.  We then moved to a lagoon that is always worth a visit as at this time of year it can provide great views of waders.  We saw Little Ringed Plover, Sanderling, Kentish Plover and Greenshank to name a few.  We also enjoyed watching Black Necked Grebe on the water. Our next stop was at a restricted reserve area where we relaxed and spent the a good while exploring the lagoons and reed beds.  This was a great visit and among the many sightings that we had there were Temminck´s Stint, Caspian Tern, Purple Swamphen, Night Heron and Audouin´s Gull. We´d enjoyed some fabulous views of some great species, but wanted to end the day with a drive across the rice fields.  This gave views of Glossy…

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Guided bird watching in Albufera de Valencia

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure to organise a guided bird watching trip for two clients from England. They were keen to discover the bird life of the Valencian wetlands. After I collected them from the historical quarter of Valencia city we drove to the Albufera Natural Park.  I´d organised a visit to a restricted reserve area which always holds a wide variety of species. To get there we drove through the rice paddies, an ecosystem that in itself is a hot spot for herons, egrets, Glossy Ibis and Marsh Harriers. Once inside the reserve, we carefully and quietly explored each lagoon.  The water levels are carefully controlled to provide habitats for various bird species. A huge variety of herons, gulls, terns, ducks and waders were all showing very well, together with Greater Flamingo and Glossy Ibis.  It´s always very exciting to see new species and to enjoy a colony of hundreds of Collared Pratincoles was one of the highlights of the trip. We enjoyed a picnic lunch in a hide that looks onto a lagoon so we could enjoy fantastic views of Whiskered Terns, Little Bittern and…

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5-Day Birding Holiday

We recently provided a 5-day birding holiday for a group of RSPB members from Northern Ireland.  It was made more special by the fact that the leader of the group had previously attended a trip with us and had recommended us to her local group. We´d worked with Pat to design a tailor-made trip, focussing on habitat diversity, a few special target species and authentic and traditional accommodation.  As such, we put together a 2-centre break.  They arrived at Alicante airport on an evening flight from Belfast, where we were waiting to welcome them. After their arrival we made the easy journey up into the rural interior of Alicante Province and to their guest house for the first half of the trip, L´Alqueria del Pilar, a converted farmhouse in the village of Banyeres de Mariola.  After a good night´s rest and a leisurely start we began our first day : Day 1 – Mountains The first day was designed to include very little travelling, and a walk in the mountains of the Sierra de Mariola Natural Park.  The plan for the morning was a circular walk of some 5kms, through high…

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Photographic Trip to Albufera de Valencia

Today I was delighted to provide a photographic trip to Albufera de Valencia for two clients from Manchester, UK. Having collected them from their apartment central Valencia, we drove for half an hour to a reserve area in the heart of the natural park. Even though it was raining lightly, it didn´t stop us from having a fantastic birding day. The first stop was after a short walk by the forest to some hides located in a restricted reserve area, where we enjoyed great views of a large varity of waders, such as Bar-tailed Godwits, Black-winged Stilts and Little Stints. Next stop was in a green filter and reserve area where we got nice shots of a Booted Eagle.  We also had great views of Purple Swamphens and Glossy Ibis. Driving by the rice paddies gave us great views of of  raptors such as Common Buzzards, Marsh Harriers and Kestrels, we also enjoyed a Black Stork in flight. To finish a magnificent birding day, we stopped in a small lake close to the sea, where we were delighted to see Black-necked Grebes and Audouin Gulls.  It had been a great…

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White Stork in Albufera de Valencia

  Here´s a brief clip of a White Stork in Albufera de Valencia. The spring and autumn migration periods are fascinating here as the site is located right on a major fly-way. Each year, some fascinating species drop in to rest and feed on their journeys to and from Africa…          

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