Local Bird Walk in aid of Tancat de la Pipa.

On Friday 1st June, a group of 18 friends and neighbours gathered for a “Bird Walk” around the valley of La Drova and Barx. Arranged by Valencia Birding, the dual purposes of the walk was to see the bird life that thrives within this spectacular valley and to raise funds for the much valued nature reserve Tancat de la Pipa, situated within the Natural Park of Albufera de Valencia. Many people have visited Tancat de la Pipa on our birding trips. The small team there do some wonderful conservation and research work that provides vital habitat for a huge range of birds, insects, reptiles, amphibians and plant life. We completed a walk of some 6km, through olive groves, woodland and open countryside. We managed to see 24 species, the highlights of which were Peregrine Falcon, Raven, Cirl Bunting, Golden Oriole and Woodchat Shrike. The complete species list comprised… Spotted Flycatcher, Goldfinch, House Sparrow, Spotless Starling, Swallow, Great Tit, Wood Pigeon, Long Tailed Tit, Serin, Blackbird, Peregrine Falcon, Black Redstart, Raven, Sardinian Warbler, Cirl Bunting, Golden Oriole, Greenfinch, Coal Tit, Melodious Warbler, Chaffinch, House Martin, Nightingale, Swift, Woodchat Shrike. We also…

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Guided Birding at Albufera de Valencia

On 22nd May I visited Albufera de Valencia with a client from the UK. The weather was superb, and with the rice fields recently flooded the expanse of water and the “big” blue sky made for a special day. Our first stop gave good views of Audouin´s Gull, a very pretty gull which although rare has its European stronghold along the Spanish Mediterranean coast.  We also enjoyed views of Avocet, Black Winged Stilt, Squacco Heron, Great Egret and Purple Gallinule. As we walked through the reed beds, we had good views of Reed Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Fan Tailed Warbler and heard although did not see Savi´s Warbler.  Purple Herons were around in good numbers and we also had a brief but clear view of a Little Bittern. In the afternoon we visited more sites around the Natural Park and had views of Gull-Billed Tern, Sandwich Tern, Whiskered Tern, Glossy Ibis, Marsh Harrier and Cattle Egret. The species list for the day included… Audouins Gull, Avocet, Black Winged Stilt, Cattle Egret, Collared Dove, Common Tern, Coot, Fan Tailed Warbler, Glossy Ibis, Great Egret, Grey Heron, Gull Billed Tern, House Martin, House…

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Bird Watching in Valencia.

On Wednesday 18th April, I spent a day bird watching in Valencia with a group of 7 clients.  The Valencian Coastal Wetlands are superb throughout the year, but are especially so in Spring when the breeding season is upon us. There was a cool breeze as we set out along the coastal path towards the first lagoon, and this seemed to be keeping most of the smaller birds down in the reeds.  However, we soon had good views of White Headed Duck, Great Crested Grebe, and Red Crested Pochard.  We also enjoyed views of Great Reed Warbler and Fan Tailed Warbler. A further stroll along the coast provided great views of a beautiful Collared Pratincole, it´s delicate facial markings showing clearly in the sunlight. Our next stopping point gave super views of Kentish Plover, Little Ringed Plover, Redshank and Curlew Sandpiper.  As we continued our walk we could hear the iconic song of a Corn Bunting and soon found it sitting in the top of a nearby tree.  As we progressed through the reed beds we could pick out the calls of Cetti´s Warbler, Savi´s Warbler and more Great Reed…

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Spring in underway in La Drova!

After what has been by our standards, a cold winter, it appears that Spring has finally arrived.  Bird activity has markedly increased in our valley over the past few days. Last Friday morning I heard the first of this year´s Wryneck calling from the woods.  Later that day, I was fortunate enough to see one as it chased away a Robin from what it must have regarded as suitable nesting territory.   On two mornings I´ve watched Peregrines flying over the cliffs that surround our valley, and have seen a Crested Tit inspecting various tree holes in the garden. Whilst out with the dog for a short walk this morning I saw Crossbill, Short Toed Treecreeper, Firecrest and Stonechat. The usual summer visitors such as Golden Oriole, Spotted Flycatcher and Nightingale are yet to arrive but that´s what makes this time of year so exciting, the anticipation of new arrivals and the onset of a new breeding season. Written by David Warrington. Bird Watching Guide at Valencia Birding.

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Half Day Trip to the Mountains of Valencia

On Tuesday, I took two local British birders on a half-day trip to the mountains of Valencia. Before we set off on the short walk, we stopped for a coffee and were entertained by a pair of Short Toed Treecreepers and a group of Long Tailed Tits in the pine trees by the road. We parked the van and set off into a beautiful rocky gorge. Within just a few minutes, we spotted a Black Wheatear, a special bird for today as it was a “life tick” for both of my guests. It sat around long enough for a few photos although it was quite a long way off. It was soon joined by at least 6 Black Redstarts and similar numbers of Blackcaps. As we made our way up the valley we were treated to stunning views of Griffon Vultures. It´s always incredible to see how such a huge bird can soar on the thermals seemingly without any effort whatsoever. We were fortunate enough to find a few at rest on the high cliffs so were able to get a few photographs. Whilst we were scanning the cliffs for…

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