A very productive day in Valencia!

11th April 2022 Earlier this week I provided a birding trip to the Valencian coastal wetlands for Wil, a very experienced ornithologist from the Netherlands. As I’ve written previously, migration this year is generally later than usual owing to freak weather conditions in March, so April is turning out to be a really interesting time for birding here in the Valencia region. Northern Wheatear Having made the short journey from the historical quarter of Valencia, we began our walk along the beach. As soon as we left the car, we had views of Audouin’s Gull on the coast and Tree Sparrows in a bush next to us. Barn Swallows, House Martins and Common Swifts were feeding on the wing above us and Zitting Cisticolas were around in good numbers too. Black-eared Wheatear We paid close attention to a strip of coastal scrub where we saw huge numbers of Yellow Wagtails, noting at least three sub-species. Amongst the wagtails were lots of Northern Wheatear, plus a few Black-eared Wheatear, both extremely smart-looking birds. Turnstone The reeds held Common Reed Warbler, and we also heard a Water Rail. After a while, we…