Birding in Albufera.

Last Friday I provided a day of guided birding in Albufera de Valencia for a great client from the USA.  Kevin was staying in Valencia and wanted to include some bird watching in his holiday.  An experienced birder back in the States, he was very keen to discover the bird life that our region holds. As this was the first time he´d been birding in Spain, we focussed the day on enjoying quality views of some of the classic species, rather than trying to maximise the list.  Our day began in a protected reserve area where we enjoyed views of Black Tailed Godwits (many now well into their breeding plumage), Avocet, Greater Flamingo and Black Winged Stilt. As we walked through the reserve, there was a constant stream of House Martins and Barn Swallows, all heading north on their migration.  Just as we were saying what an exciting time this is, a much larger bird caught my eye – an Alpine Swift! After a short drive across the rice fields, where we stopped to watch Meadow Pipit, Marsh Harrier and Cattle Egret, we entered another restricted reserve area.  A pair…

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Guided bird watching trip to the Valencian Coastal Wetlands

A few days ago, I had the pleasure to organise a guided bird watching trip to the Valencian Coastal wetlands for clients from London. They were visiting the city of Valencia and wanted a day out to discover the area´s bird life. It was a sunny autumn day – fantastic for birding.  I designed a trip that involved some walking through different ecosystems to maximise the quantity of species. As soon we started walking we stopped to enjoy great views of one of the target species of the day, White-headed Duck.  Right beside 6 examples of this very special duck there was a Water Rail enjoying a morning bath! We kept walking beside the sea and stopped again for good views of Audouin’s Gull and a flock of Red-Crested Pochard in flight. In the next lagoon, we were delighted by Little Grebes and Purple Swamphens.. one of the highlights of the day. After a picnic lunch by the sea, we headed inland enjoying a lovely walk searching for raptors.  We succeded…we had great views of 6 different Booted Eagles, as well as Common Buzzards and Marsh Harries that were enjoying…

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Birding and a Cultural Break in Valencia

Last week I provided a day trip for a couple from England who were combining birding and a cultural break in Valencia before moving on to central Spain.  Although they had travelled extensively in Spain, this was their first trip to Valencia, and they were especially keen to see the birdlife of our local wetlands.

The historic quarter of the city of Valencia

Having collected them from there hotel in Valencia city centre, we made the short journey to one of my favourite local reserves.  The weather was perfect – not too hot, but with clear skies and a slight breeze.  We began our walk by the beach, watching the coastal scrub carefully.  The Valencian coastline is part of a major migration fly-way between Europe and Africa, so this time of the year is always fascinating.  We had good views of numerous Chiffchaffs, Common Reed Warblers and Wheatear.  There was a steady and constant stream of passing Barn Swallows, House Martins and Sand Martins too.

Birding holidays Spain


One of the first lagoons that we watched gave good views of White Headed Duck, Greater Flamingo and Little Grebe.  Marsh Harriers were quartering the surrounding reed beds.

After a short walk along the coast we spent some time in a hide overlooking a small lagoon.  This is often a hotspot for passing migrants and over the years has provided many memorable birding moments.  We firstly took a look at the waders which included Dunlin, Common Sandpiper, Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint, Greenshank, Snipe, Ringed Plover and Little Ringed Plover.  Wildfowl included Shoveler, Teal and yet more White Headed Duck.

Valencia Birding


A pair of Stonechats were showing very well, feeding on insects and returning to their perches in classic Stonechat fashion.  We then turned our attention to the beach in search of one of the region´s most popular gulls – Audouin´s Gull.  With just a little patience we were rewarded with great views.

Valencia Birding

Little Ringed Plover

In need of refreshment we enjoyed a light lunch at a small restaurant on the beach whilst watching Little Egrets, Common Sandpipers and Yellow Legged Gulls. Afterwards we took a short walk to another observation point from where we had great views of Purple Swamphen and more Greater Flamingoes. We were also delighted to see a Kingfisher.  In the winter months the small resident population is boosted by visiting birds from the north of Spain.

Valencia Birding

Greater Flamingo

It had been a super day – very relaxed but with great views of some fabulous birds, and all in great company too.

Valencia Birding

The species list for the day included….

Greater Flamingo, Coot, Moorhen, Little Grebe, White Headed Duck, Reed Warbler, Chiffchaff, Wood Pigeon, Dunlin, Common Sandpiper, Little Egret, Grey Heron, Mallard, Shoveler, Greenshank, Stonechat, Teal, Grey Heron, Snipe, Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint, Purple Swamphen, Kingfisher, Audouin’s Gull, Yellow Legged Gull, Common Tern, Wheatear, Sand Martin, Ringed Plover, Little Ringed Plover, House Martin, Kestrel, Marsh Harrier.


Valencia Birding


Written by Dave Warrington.

Bird Watching Guide at Valencia Birding.


7-Day Birding & Bird Photography Holiday.

Last month we were delighted to design and provide a tailor-made 7-day trip for two clients from Northern Ireland.  This was their first birding trip to the Valencia region, and bird photography was to be the central theme of their visit.  After communicating with them, we came up with a plan that would include many habitats and a great selection of species that our region can offer at this time of year.   Day 1 – Coastal Salt Marshes. For the first half of the trip, Dave was to be their guide, before handing over to Yanina for the remaining days.  They had an early flight into Alicante so on day 1, after collecting them from the airport we visited two local salt marsh sites. Our first stop gave excellent views of one of their target species, Slender Billed Gull, as well as White Winged Black Tern and Whiskered Tern.  We also had great views of a beautiful Curlew Sandpiper in its breeding plumage. After a coffee break we moved on to the next site where we had a lunch whilst enjoying good views of Red Rumped Swallow, Spotted Flycatcher, Redstart…

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Birding during migration time in Valencia.

We feel very fortunate this year to have already welcomed back many returning clients, and today was such a day.  Rab and Jan had spent a couple of days with us last year and had returned this year with a friend to discover the bird life of one of our wetland reserves. They drove up from the Costa Blanca and met us close to Valencia, from where we made the short drive to the reserve.  After a morning coffee by the beach, looking out onto a very calm Mediterranean, we began our walk through the reserve. This was to be a day when we could see migration in progress!  It´s always a very special time of year as we can see late departing winter visitors, arrivals of summer visitors and passage migrants that often stop at our wetlands to feed before moving further north. The day began with sightings of Audouin´s Gull, Blackcap, Zitting Cisticola, Yellow Wagtail (both the iberiae and cinereocapilla sub-species) and Sardinian Warbler.  We then enjoyed watching wildfowl including Tufted Duck, Red Crested Pochard, Shoveler and Gadwall. As we were quietly looking over an area of reed…

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Birding from Alicante

I recently designed and provided a 2-day bird photography trip for a client from Norway.  Svein was staying in the south of our region and wanted to organise a couple of days birding from Alicante.  We opted for a day at the area´s premium wetland reserve followed by a day on the steppe.  That way he would see two completely different habitats. One day 1 we met up and drove to the wetlands where we started the day with a walk through the reserve. The day began with views of Little Grebe, Little Stint, Dunlin, Avocet and Greater Flamingo.  We had good views of Glossy Ibis in flight, then of Booted Eagle passing overhead. Although we weren´t able to get quality photos, we were very fortunate to enjoy views of one of the over-wintering Spotted Eagles, a huge raptor that migrates from Eastern Europe each year. After a picnic lunch by a small lake where we enjoyed views of Wood Sandpiper, Red Knobbed Coot and Purple Swamphen, we took a short walk during which we had great views of a Black Stork. We then visited a couple of hides from…

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