Last week, I provided a specially designed birding and nature photography trip for two experienced wildlife photographers from Sweden. At this time of the year the Valencian Coastal Wetlands, is an amazing birding destination, especially rewarding as many of the summer visitors are returning to their breeding grounds there. We met in central Valencia before making the short journey to the reserve. After a morning coffee, looking out across the calm waters of the Mediterranean, we began our walk along a coastal dune system. The first lagoon gave good views of Night Herons and waterfowl including Pochard, Red-crested Pochard and Little Grebe. As we walked further into the reserve, the second lagoon provided a spectacular sight of seven male White-headed Ducks, one of Europe´s rarest and arguably most attractive ducks. We also had great views of Flamingo, Purple Heron, Glossy Ibis and Marsh Harrier. We then took in an area of coastal scrub, and were treated to views of Wheatear, Stonechat, Whinchat, Sub-alpine Warbler and Spotless Starling. We also had a good view of Audouin´s Gull and the beautiful Collared Pratincole. After a picnic lunch on a pebble beach, we headed inland…
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