A day at the wetlands with clients from the USA.

Back in early May I spent a delightful day with a fabulous couple from the USA. David and Dale were on a European cruise, and had planned to go birding in some of the places where they were stopping off at. One such place was Valencia. I collected them from the cruise terminal at the port, and then we made the short journey to the coastal wetlands. We began with a quick coffee stop where we discussed some of the target species that I wanted them to see. These included White Headed Duck, Collared Pratincole and Audouin´s Gull, all of which have established breeding grounds here in Valencia. Our strategy was to go for quality views of some key species rather than go for a super-long list. Our walk along the coast took us past a couple of lagoons where we enjoyed great views of White Headed Duck. Since this trip, I´m delighted to say that many pairs have successfully bred at this site. As we continued our walk, we saw plenty of Audouin´s Gulls flying over the beach. Marsh Harriers were hunting at the back of the reserve and…