7 Day Bird Photography Trip.

We recently had the privilege of welcoming back an extremely valued friend and client, Nigel from Northern Ireland. A very experienced birder and bird photographer, Nigel had previously visited as part of a group from the Northern Ireland Ornithologists´Club but this time he came alone so we were delighted to design a tailor-made 7 day bird photography trip to fit his wishes and priorities. Having discussed his preferences, we came up with a good mixture of bird photography in the field plus a few visits to specially designed bird photo-hides, each aimed at specific species. His flight arrived at Alicante quite late so we´d arranged for Yanina to collect him and then to spend the night close to the airport, well placed to visit some of the local saltpans and wetlands the next morning. During the morning, they enjoyed sightings of Ringed Plover, Sandwich Tern, Black Tailed Godwit, Iberian Grey Shrike and White Headed Duck. There was news of a rarity in the area, an Olive Backed Pipit. First attempts proved fruitless, but with the usual determination, they found it. A great start to the week! The second night was…