Trip Reports

Cultural City Break & Guided Bird Watching.

We´re delighted to inform you of a new collaborative arrangement between Valencia Birding and Adhoc Hotels of Valencia.  This brings top levels of service to our clients, as well as extremely competitive and authentic accommodation in the heart of the historical quarter of the enchanting city of Valencia. This allows us to offer a unique short break that combines the rich culture of this beautiful Mediterranean city, its architecture, history and gastronomy with guided bird watching to some of Spain´s best sites, all of which are within very easy reach. All trips are completely tailor-made and are available for individuals,…

2 Day Birding Break in Valencia

Last week we were delighted to provide a 2-day birding break in Valencia for a group of 3 clients with whom we´ve been in touch with for a while.  All living apart (France, England and Wales) they had arranged to meet up in Valencia and to include in their holiday a 2-day guided birding trip with us.  We´d been fortunate enough to meet one of the group at Birdfair in the UK in August, so were really looking forward to welcoming them to Valencia. To provide two very different trips, we´d decided to spend one day at the extensive wetland…

Guided bird watching in Albufera de Valencia.

This week I provided a day trip for a brother and sister from the Netherlands.  They were in Valencia for a short break and had contacted us previously to arrange a day of guided bird watching in Albufera de Valencia. Our first albeit brief stop was in a reserve area where had views of Red Crested Pochard, Black-winged Stilt, Marsh Harrier and Booted Eagle.  We then moved to a lagoon that is always worth a visit as at this time of year it can provide great views of waders.  We saw Little Ringed Plover, Sanderling, Kentish Plover and Greenshank to…

Wetlands of Valencia in Autumn

Last week I provided a day of guided birding for a great couple from UK.  James and Claire are very keen birders, and wanted to combine a cultural visit to Valencia with some bird watching with us at the local wetland reserves.  The wetlands of Valencia in Autumn are fascinating as resident birds, winter visitors, summer visitors and passage migrants all “overlap” making for some very interesting species lists! After a short drive from the heart of the historical quarter of Valencia, we arrived at one of our favourite wetland sites.  Claire and James had expressed an interest in walking,…

Autumn birding on the steppe

Last week, I enjoyed a super day of autumn birding on the steppe with two returning clients from England.  Both very keen birders, they were keen to see the fabulous species that this unique habitat holds.  Within just over an hour´s drive from Valencia, the high steppe and lagoons provide a completely different habitat from those found at the coast or the mountains. Our first stop beside an area of floodwater gave views of Black-necked Grebe, Little Grebe, Black-winged Stilt, and a huge flock of Spotless Starling.  The day had started well and the weather was on our side too…

Birding in Albufera de Valencia.

Last week I was delighted to welcome back returning clients Bill and Maureen, this time with Bill´s brother and sister-in-law, John and Maggie.  It was great to see them again, and this time our detination was the Natural Park of Albufera de Valencia.  Their previous trip with us was to a different wetland site, so they were very interested to see what birding in Albufera de Valencia held in store… Having met close to Valencia we made the short journey into the park where we began our trip at one of the area´s restricted nature reserves.  We made several stops…

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