Trip Reports

Birding on the Spanish Steppe

Last week, we were especially delighted to provide a trip for some returning clients from UK.  Amanda and her family had previously visited Albufera de Valencia with us and had returned for a day on the high steppe of Eastern Spain.  It was fabulous to see them again, especially having kept in touch in the meantime. We left Valencia and made the easy drive inland where we began the day with a coffee stop and discussion about the species that we were hoping for.  Our first stop by a small pond gave views of Shelduck, Tree Sparrow and Black Winged…

Bird watching trip to Albufera de Valencia

Last week I had the pleasure to guide two clients from England on a bird watching trip to Albufera de Valencia.  The trip had been arranged as a surprise present. I collected them from their apartment where they were staying in Valencia city and after a short jorney we where in a reserve and protected area in the forest close to Albufera lake. Our first stop gave views of Collared Pratincole, Caspian Tern, Little Tern, Red-crested Pochard and many more species. On the way to our next spot we were delighted to get a view of a male Golden Oriole. After…

Two Day Guided Birding Trip to the Wetlands of Valencia

We recently had the pleasure of providing a two day guided birding trip to the wetlands of Valencia for a couple of returnng clients from UK. Day one was a trip to Albufera de Valencia Natural Park. Having collected them from the train station in the city of Valencia we made the short journey to this well-known wetland. First stop was in the Devesa forest, where we visited a restricted spot inside the reserve where we had great views of Collared Pratincole, Turtle Dove, Little Tern, Red-crested Pochard and many more species. After a short walk in the forest we arrived…

Birding the Wetlands of Valencia

Last week, I provided a day of guided bird watching for a client from UK.  Phil is an experienced and knowledgeable birder and wanted to see the diversity of the birdlife that exists here in Valencia. We decided upon a specific wetland area as right now there are colonies of breeding species that provide some super opportunities for observation, all without the risk of disturbance. We met close to Valencia and made the short journey to the coastal site where we began the day by exploring a few coastal saltwater lagoons.  Here we had good views of White Headed Duck,…

A stormy day on the steppe

Yesterday I spent a wonderful day birding the steppe and lagoons of our region with a client from Spain.  A very experienced bird watcher, naturalist and conservationist, she was eager to discover this unique habitat and the birdlife that thrives here. After a comfortable and easy journey from Valencia, we stopped at our first spot to check out a small lagoon and area of floodwater.  On the water we saw Shelduck, Flamingo, and Little Grebe.  The reeds held a pair of Great Reed Warbler, which after a little patience we managed to see. Corn Buntings were calling from the nearby…

Birding the Steppe

Once more, we were recently delighted to welcome back a returning client.  Gavin from UK had previously booked a trip to the wetlands of Valencia, and this time had returned for a birding trip to the steppe and lagoons of Eastern Spain.  Birding the steppe can reveal some amazing species, and today was to prove no exception. Our journey from Valencia took us through a few heavy rain showers but once we´d arrived on site, it was dry although quite windy.  Our first stop by an area of floodwater beside an old farming village gave views of Tree Sparrow. Spotted…

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