Last Friday I provided a day of guided birding in Albufera de Valencia for a great client from the USA. Kevin was staying in Valencia and wanted to include some bird watching in his holiday. An experienced birder back in the States, he was very keen to discover the bird life that our region holds.

Black Tailed Godwits & Avocet
As this was the first time he´d been birding in Spain, we focussed the day on enjoying quality views of some of the classic species, rather than trying to maximise the list. Our day began in a protected reserve area where we enjoyed views of Black Tailed Godwits (many now well into their breeding plumage), Avocet, Greater Flamingo and Black Winged Stilt.

Greater Flamingo with Glossy Ibis behind
As we walked through the reserve, there was a constant stream of House Martins and Barn Swallows, all heading north on their migration. Just as we were saying what an exciting time this is, a much larger bird caught my eye – an Alpine Swift!
After a short drive across the rice fields, where we stopped to watch Meadow Pipit, Marsh Harrier and Cattle Egret, we entered another restricted reserve area. A pair of raptors immediately appeared above us, so we quickly got out of the car to take a closer look. It was a pair of Short Toed Eagles, another species that has recently arrived back from their wintering grounds in Africa. We were to enjoy great views of them throughout the morning.

Short Toed Eagle
The first lagoon held Greenshank, Purple Swamphen and yet more Black Tailed Godwits and Avocets. A Green Sandpiper made a brief appearance before flying into the reeds.

Scoping across the Albufera lake
As we moved through the reserve we had great views of Glossy Ibis, Great Crested Grebe, Snipe, Red Crested Pochard and Yellow Wagtail. Another raptor caught our attention, first in flight then resting on a pylon. An Osprey!

After a brief coffee break, the trip was brought to a close with a visit to a coastal lagoon where we were hoping to see Audouin´s Gull and Black Necked Grebe. Within just minutes of our arrival we were enjoying superb views of both, particularly the Black Necked Grebe which was well into its breeding plumage. We also had good views of Booted Eagle in flight.

Black Necked Grebe
A short walk to end the day rewarded us with some close views of waders including Little Stint, Dunlin, Little Ringed Plover and Kentish Plover.

Little Ringed Plover
The day had passed very quickly, but we´d seen some great birds. It had been a pleasure to be able to show Kevin some of the bird life that Albufera de Valencia holds, and to spend a day with him.
The species list for the day included…
Mallard, Shelduck, Red Crested Pochard, Little Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, Black Necked Grebe, Little Egret, Cattle Egret, Great Egret, Grey Heron, Moorhen, Coot, Purple Swamphen, Greater Flamingo, Glossy Ibis, Avocet, Black Winged Stilt, Greenshank, Green Sandpiper, Black Tailed Godwit, Snipe, Little Stint, Dunlin, Little Ringed Plover, Kentish Plover, Black Headed Gull, Audouin´s Gull, Lesser Black Backed Gull, Common Tern, Cormorant, Short Toed Eagle, Booted Eagle, Marsh Harrier, Osprey, Yellow Wagtail, Chiffchaff, Crested Lark, House Sparrow, Meadow Pipit, Hoopoe, House Martin, Crag Martin, Barn Swallow, Alpine Swift.
Written by David Warrington.
Bird Watching Guide at Valencia Birding.